𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗

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It's the next day already and we're in school. I'm sitting next to Heeseung while the teacher explains something about physics. But I can't listen because, first of all, I hate physics, second I'm worried about Hee. He looks so..worried but also upset and he's zoomed out. His leg is slightly shaking and he hasn't spoken much today.

I gently tap his shoulder and he immediate looks at me.
"Hee..are you alright? What happened?"
"Nothing? You're clearly stressed or worried.."
He sighs and goes through his hair.
"It's..ah forget it. The game is stressing me..I can't concentrate and I kept messing up in practice yesterday.."
I gently stroke his arm to comfort him and look into his eyes as he looked at me.
"Is there a reason you can't concentrate? Do you want to talk?"

He looks into my eyes, keeping silence till he sighed and looked away again.
"No..I'm fine. I'm just stressed..school and the big game. I'm scared my team will loose because of me.."
"I'm sure you won't loose! You're one of the best players in that team! Your team will win it"
I smile at him and in the corners of his lips a little smile forms.
"Thanks, peach..."
I smile even wider and gently pat his head.
"Don't worry too much..you can do this. I believe in you and remember, no matter what, I'm always proud of you, my little peanut"
He chuckles, making me smile even more.
"You're just too cute for this world" he looks at me again with a smile.
I chuckle and look down.

"You two! Stop talking now or I'll separate you!" The teacher suddenly shouts and we look at him.
"Sorry" we say. He looks away and continues teaching.
Hee and me chuckle quietly. I start copying the board till I feel Hee coming closer to my ear, to whisper something to me.
"Are you free after school?" He ask.
I look at him.
"I'm sorry, but Kangmin wanted to meet me today"
"Kangmin? The guy from yesterday?" He asks, his smile dropping.
"Yeah. He texted me yesterday after I arrived home and asked me to go into the park with him"
"To the park? Which one?"
"I don't know. Probably the bigger one"
He nods and looks away.
"How did he even got your number?"
"Class group chat. He's in our class now"
"Mh..okay, well..have fun with him then. Tell me how it went. We can meet another time"
"Sure" I smile but as I looked at him I can see that he's not very happy about it.

Why does he seem upset? It's just Kangmin..

"Hee, if you want to meet I can also cancel the park meeting with Kangmin..you seem sad about it"
He looks at me.
"Huh? No! No no..go. It's okay. I'm just..surprised. I mean, you don't know him and already hang out with him, you know"
"I mean..he seems nice, so why not"
"Yeah..I'm just worried..."
I smile.
"You don't need to"

-After the lesson-

We all walk out to the yard and I immediately take my girlies to a more quiet area to tell them about Kangmin. They listen carefully but their faces are..not really happy.
"He's the new guy, right?" Dambi asks.
"Yeah! He's so kind! And he acts so sweet, you know. I really want to be friends with him"
"I don't know, girly..I have a bad feeling about him" Haeun says.
"Yeah..he just gives off bad vibes"
"Kinda.." Dambi agrees.
"Come on! We don't even know him. I still try to see the good in him. Maybe he just seems like a bad person but I'm sure he's kind. But Hee is also not so happy about it..after I told hin that I'll meet Kangmin in the park today, he seemed upset."
"Upset?" Dambi asks confused.
"I think he's jealous.." Haeun said.
I look at her.

"Jealous? Why should he? It's just a guy"
"I don't know. But it seems like it.."
"Nah..maybe he just thinks I'll replace him with Kangmin which will never happen. Hee is my best friend and no boy, especially not Kangmin can replace him"
"Speaking of Kangmin..turn around" Dambi says.
I turn around and see Kangmin walking up to me. I smile at him and he stops.
"Hey Y/n!" He smiles.
"Heyy! How are you?" I smile back.
"I'm doing great! And you?"
"Oh, I'm fine! I'm excited for today!"
He chuckles.
"I'm glad to hear that"

I watch Kangmin talk to her. I stare at them..I don't like this. He's a way too close to her and why is she smiling? Why is she laughing? He isn't that funny! Or sweet..he's just a random guy. What makes her think he's cute?
"Yo, bro, why are you staring like that? You're going to burn them with your stare" Jake chuckles. I look at him and just sigh. His smile suddenly drops and he looks at me confused.
"What? What is it? Are you..jealous? Because Kangmin is talking to Y/n?" Jake asks quietly.

No one knows it yet...no one knows I love her since three years already...should I tell him? I need to tell someone if I can't tell her..

I take a deep breath.
"Look..just..kept it to yourself until I tell the others, okay?" I whisper.
Jake nods.
"We're back!"
I look up to the voice which interrupted me. Y/n. Her sweet and soft voice..

The girls sit back down to us while I see Kangmin walk away.
"I'll tell you when we're alone" I whisper to Jake. He nods and now we just continue talking.

Some time passed and it's already 3pm. I walk to the park and see Kangmin already sitting on a bench. He turns around and sees me. We smile and he waves at me. I walk up to him and he stands up.
"Hey! I'm so glad you're here!" He smiles.
"Me too!"
I chuckle and we sit down. We look at each other.
"So, what do you want to know about me? How do you even got the idea of getting friends with me?" I ask. He chuckles.
"Oh, I heard you singing and you just..wow, your voice is so beautiful but..your face is too. I was just so stunned by your beauty..you're really pretty, Y/n"

I get a bit shy and smile. He thinks I'm pretty?..oh god...

"Well..uhm thanks. You're also very handsome"
"Ah thanks..so, why don't you just tell me some things about you?"

Kangmin and me talked for hours and laughed so much together. He's so funny and kind..he's also such an interesting person! He has a lot of hobbies and we also got some same interests! He's so sweet and kind..and handsome..and the way he always complimented me..he also smells so good! And his smile is adorable! Oh..it's like I'm falling for him already..


Oh no..seems like Y/n is falling for someone else, huh? Poor Heeseung. :(((
(My heart hurt so much while writing those things😭)

Word count: 1217


My Opposite//Lee Heeseung ffWhere stories live. Discover now