𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟒

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Some weeks have passed again. Summer is already there and summer break is coming closer everyday. Y/n is finally happy again, since she ended things with Kangmin and her favourite seasons began. She loves summer and it's adorable to see. She's always happy even if it's just a ray of sunshine which is shining but well, she's a sunshine herself.. ugh..I'm doing it again. I'm thinking about her again. I hate it. Why can't I just stop loving her?

No matter what I do, I always think of her. She's just..just breathtaking. How can I finally lose my feelings for her? I'm waiting since three years already! I don't know if I can wait any longer...even while playing video games right now I can't stop thinking about her. I miss her..it's Saturday today, which means I haven't seen her since a whole day! Maybe she wants to play with me my new game..but first I need some snacks. I'm hungryyyyyy.

I pause the game and take off my headset and walk out of my room, on my way downstairs to the kitchen. My parents are sitting on the couch, watching a movie and as I looked into the kitchen and immediately get annoyed as I saw my sister but I got even more annoyed as I see that she's eating MY SNACKS!
"Are those my Cheetos??" I ask and stop at the kitchen counter, looking at her.
"Uh, yeah?"
"But- those were mine!"
"And? I was hungry!" She says.
"Ugh I hate you!"
"I hate you too" Dambi rolls her eyes.
"Kids, don't fight" mom says.
"But mom, she ate my Cheetos! You bought them for me! FOR ME!"
"I don't see a name on here, so I was allowed to eat them too!" She says with a proud smile.
I roll my eyes. Being the oldest is so hard sometimes..

"I'll buy you new ones" Mom says and smiles at me.
"Thank you and next time I'll write my name on them!" I say, looking at Dambi again with an annoyed gaze. I walk one of the drawers and get some flips out.
"Are you playing video games again?" She asks.
"Yeah, so leave me alone"
"Why? Playing with some girls?" She smirks and wiggles her eyebrows.
"Maybe, who knows. I'm pretty popular with the girls you know" I smirk.
She rolls her eyes.
"Yeah, sure. Why aren't you dating someone then?"
"Because I already for my eyes on someone"

I suddenly stop with everything and wide my eyes..I'm so stupid..why am I not thinking before speaking?!?

She wides her eyes and gasps.
"You have a crush and I don't know about her??"
"I- ugh, forget it!"
I take the flips and a coke and walk upstairs but behind me I hear steps following me. I go into my room and lock the door behind me so she can't come in. I put the snack and the drink on my desk next to my set up and sit down, wanting to play, but I let out a annoyed sigh as I heard how Dambi knocks aggressively against my door.

I walk up to the door, opening it and she immediately enters. I close the door and she sits down on my bed, looking at me with curious eyes.
"So..you're in love and didn't told me? Who is she? How long do you like her? Do I know her? Is she pretty? What's her name? How old is she? Is she on our school? Tell meeee!!"
I sigh again and take a deep breath.
"Get out" i say.
"Not before you tell me who it is!"
My eyes close and I look down. Should I tell her? She is my sister, she can know it..but she's also her best friend so what if she will tell her? No..she wouldn't do that. Besides, Jake also knows it, so what? Just tell her...

My eyes open again and my head goes up, looking at her.
"Okay, listen, no matter what you will hear now, you have to promise me to not freak out or be mad or anything" I say. Her smile drops and she suddenly looks worried.
"Oh god..is it that bad? Is she that ugly?"
"What? No! She's beautiful! Breathtaking beautiful..but, anyways, promise"
"Yeah, yeah I promise, tell me now!"
"Okay it's uhm..I like eh..okay, I have a crush on Y/n.."
"I knew it!" She says with a smile.
"Is it that obvious?" I ask worried.
"Mh..kinda. But it doesn't surprises me really. Look at her! She's stunning! She's beautiful. I'd kill to look like her"
"Yeah she is..she's so beautiful that's it's frustrating me to know she's not mine.."
"But- for how long do you like her now?"
My tongues licks over my lips nervously.
"Uhm..3 years"
She gasps and her eyes go wide open.
"3 years?! You like her for 3 years?!!"
"Yeah..." I sigh.
"Hee that's- omg! I can't believe you two aren't dating yet! I mean, you always looked cute but now I ship you guys even more! So, you really like her? Like- love?"
"Yeah..I love her..a lot but I can't tell her!"
"But you need to! Three years are such a long time!"
"But how?! She will never like me back, besides she never talks about me or something. I'm just her best friend..or is she talking about me with you? Did she say anything?"

Dambi gulps.
"Well uhm...she uh.."
"She's friend-zoning me, right?" I sigh.
"It's fine..I would never have a chance with her. She's...she's perfect. She's an angel! I'm just a loser for her"
"I mean, yeah you are a loser, but you can still make her fall for you, you know. Just try to make it more obvious, give her some hints and who knows, maybe she will like you back"
"She just got over Kangmin!"
"And? You're Lee Heeseung! You're the guys almost every girl runs after! You can get her!"
"Yes! I mean, yeah it's weird to know that my brother loves my best friend but who cares? I also love the brother of my best friend, so why couldn't you have Y/n as well?"
"Yeah, but Jake and you are dating! Y/n and me are best friends..we're more like sister and brother"

"Uhm..I don't think siblings flirt with each other like you two do" she says sceptical, making me chuckle.
"You're right..but still..oh and btw, please keep that to yourself. Don't tell it anyone, especially not Y/n and I don't care if she's your best friend. Jake and you are the into ones who know"
"I won't tell anyone. I promise. But you still have to update me! I always want to know if you have new things, alright?"
I chuckle and look at her.
"Yeah. Now, get out. I want to text her so we can play my new game"
She smirks and wiggles her eyebrows once more before she stands up.
"Have fun~"

She leaves my room and I immediately sit down at my desk and take my phone to text her. A wide smile appears on my lips as I tapped on her contact and started to text her.

Favourite Peach✨🍑

Wanna play my new
game together? :))

Let me just finish something real quick

I'll wait for you :]

With a big smile I put my phone down and put on my headset, waiting in the lobby for her to join. My attention goes to my screen as soon as I saw her gamertag being online and just a few seconds later I can hear her sweet and soft voice talking through her headset.

"Hee? Hello? Peanut, can you hear me?"
I chuckle.
"Loud and clearly, princess"
She giggles, which gives me so many butterflies into my stomach and I can feel my cheeks heat up. Oh, how I love her laugh...
"Great, so uhm..I have no idea what this game is about and I also don't know what to do, but I'll just follow your instructions"
I laugh at her words.


Word count: 1381


My Opposite//Lee Heeseung ffWhere stories live. Discover now