𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑

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We get the ice and walk back to our friends who immediately cheer as they saw us.
"WOOOO! Finally someone who beat that idiot up!" Sunghoon says. We laugh and sit down.
"Dambi told us everything. I knew Kangmin was a bad guy! I fucking I hate that guy even more now. See, I'm always right" Haeun says and flips her hair in a savage way, hitting it into Rikis face.

"HEY! Get your hair out of my face, idiot!"
"Don't call me an idiot, you piece of shit!" She says and looks at him angrily.
"dOn'T cAlL mE aN iDiOt..blah blah blah"
"YAH!" She takes a book, wanting to hit him but he screams and jumps up.
"HELP ME! HELP! SHES KILLING ME! AHHH! HYUNG HELP!" Riki shouts, hiding behind Sunghoon.
"Hell nah, I won't help you. I'm not trying to get murdered too! I'm scared of Haeun" Sunghoon says, pushing him away.

We laugh and I sit down, next to Heeseung who's still icing his nose.
"Anyways, we're glad we have the real Y/n back. We all disliked him" Jay says, looking at me with a honest gaze.
"I know..I'm so sorry for being so stupid. I should've listening to you guys. I still can't believe I was just a bet.."
"Well, it's over now. He's at home and you can be happy again, mh?" Hee smiles. We look at each other and he wraps his arm around my shoulders, hugging me a bit from the side and stroking my shoulder.
"I think he deserves a kiss for saving you" Jake chuckles.

I laugh. Heeseung also chuckles but his cheeks get a soft red tint and his smile seems nervous.
"He's right. Where's my kiss, Y/n?"
Hee's gaze looking at me again, with a flirtatious smirk now, looking at my lips. I chuckle and roll my eyes, turning his head gently away and his arm leaves my shoulders.
"Only in your dreams" I say.
"Guess I'll keep on dreaming then"
I chuckle and shake my head.

I look around and see Haeun still chasing Riki.
"HELP! PLEASE! SOMEONE??" He shouts.
Riki looks at me.
"No! RIKI! DONT! I won't save you!" I shout as I realised he looked at me, to hide behind me and to take me as a shield.
He runs towards me and I stand up to run away, but as I wanted to run, Riki took my shoulders and hides behind me.
"You're taller than me! She can still see you, idiot!" I laugh.
"I don't care!" He says, panting softly because he ran so much. Haeun stops in front of me, also breathing heavily and raises her arms, holding the book in her hands.
"Riki..I told you to stop copying me! That's MY job!"

She wanted to go behind me and hit Riki with the book but I hold her.
"Wait..okay, let us all come down, sit down and don't kill each other with books, yeah?" I say and look at her.
"But he copies me! He's so annoying!" She complains.
"I know, I know, but hitting him with a book isn't the best idea"
She looks at me confused and lets her arms down again.
"Uh..yes, it is?" She says.
"Haeunnie..no..put the book down, please, and hit him without it"
"Yeah! Listen to her!" Riki says, still holding my shoulders and hiding while being scared.
"SHUT UP!" She says and looks at him.

Riki starts laughing.
"You're so small! You wouldn't even reach me with your tiny arms and legs!" He provokes her.
"You little-"
She wanted to hit him again, but before she could start running I took the book away. She starts running after him again and he runs away while laughing. I watch them and chuckle.
"They're so cute, aren't they?" I say and sit back down, holding the book on my lap.
"Oh, yeah, super cute" Dambi says with a sarcastic tone, making us laugh.
I look at her. Naww..her head I now laying on Jake's shoulder, while he's holding her hand, stroking it gently. Such a cute couple...

I look at Riki and Haeun, watching them to make sure no one gets lost, falls or dies.
"Let the kids play, Y/n" Hee teases as he saw how I watched them. I chuckle.
"I'm just worried. I hope nothing will happen"
Suddenly Riki takes Haeun and picks her up, holding his arms around her stomach. They both laugh and Riki starts tickling her.
"AHHH! STOP! RIKI! NO! NI-KI STOP! AHHHHH!" She laughs and shouts. Riki just looses his breath while laughing and continues tickling her till she ran away again.

"Is someone dying?" Jay asks.
"Nope. Riki was just tickling Haeun" Sunoo says.
"Ah..anyways.." Jay look down, continue eating.
My gaze wanders next to me once again, to Heeseung.
"How's your nose?" I ask, a worried tone in my voice.
"Ah..it's okay. Doesn't hurt anymore."
He touches it and scrunches it while putting down the ice.
"Are you sure?"
He chuckles and looks at me with a grin.
"Yes I am, princess"
"Oh, so now you're calling me princess again?" I chuckle.
"Did I ever stopped?"
I chuckle and roll my eyes.
"Oh, come on. I know you like it" he says.
"What if I don't?"
"Then you would be lying..princess"
"Ugh, just kiss! Gosh, you guys are frustrating to watch.." Sunghoon says and rolls his eyes.

We chuckle.
"They're still shipping us" I say.
"Yep..I don't have any thing against it"
"Oh yeah?" I smirk, flirting back.
"Uhh..little princess is flirting back..I like that"
"Mh..I bet you do"
"You know..if you keep flirting like that, I might have to kiss you to stop"
"Oh really? You don't want me to stop flirting..and kissing me? Go on..do it"
"Eh- guys, we're still here you know" Jungwon says and looks at us with a disgusted smile. I look at Jungwon and chuckle.
"Sorry" I say.
"Naww..what a pity. I was hoping this could lead to something" Heeseung pouts.
I chuckle again.
"To what?"
"A make out" hee says and we hold eye contact.
"EW! I was just a few minutes away and you guys almost make out here" we hear Riki saying. We laugh and I look at him, next to him is Haeun.

I look at their height difference and immediately smile again. They would be so cute together..

"Why are you smiling at us like that?" Haeun asks confused.
"Ah, nothing..you two just look cute next to each other like that"
Rikis cheeks immediately turn pink and as Haeun looked at him, I could see how panic came into his eyes and body language, so he quickly turned away and looks at me again.
"Shut up! You- you..AH YOU FAIRY!" He shouts nervously.
I chuckle.
"Shut up! Don't say a word! You're so annoying!" He rolls his eyes and sits down. God, he's denying the fact he likes her. It's cute but also kinda frustrating. I look at Haeun and see her smiling but..her cheeks are also red.

She looks at me and I raise my eyebrows with a 'you're so in love' smirk.
She just smiles shyly and looks away while walking up to me to sit down next to me.
"There's someone in love.." Hee whispers into my ear. I chuckle and nod.
"What are you guys whispering about? I want to know!" Haeun says curious.
"Nothing" I chuckle.
"Tell me!" She says.
"I was just telling her some dirty stuff you don't want to know" Heeseung lies.
I chuckle and roll my eyes.
"Hee, no. Never mind. It's not important. I'll tell you later..maybe"
"Ugh" she rolls her eyes and gets sulky and looks down to the table. I laugh at her cute sulky face and I'm not the only one who smiles about it..

Rikis eyes are focused on her and his smile is bright, while his cheeks are glowing red.

"We have new love birdies" Heeseung whispers into my ear again. I chuckle and nod. I then turn around to look at Hee and surprisingly he already looked at me and now we hold this eye contact again..why is that always happening? I smile and look away. Anyway...


I hope y'all liked it🤭

Word count: 1411


My Opposite//Lee Heeseung ffWhere stories live. Discover now