𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓

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Hee and me kept talking till it got late and he went home. My parents are also already back from work and now I just walk up, stopping at Ni-ki's door since I heard something out of it.

It's sounds like...is he talking to himself?

"Why? That's so weird. Like...why? She's such an idiot tho..."

I knock on his door and slowly open it. He looks at me.
"Yes?" He asks.
"Are you sure you're okay?" I ask.
"Yeah. Sure I am"
"Why are you talking to yourself?"
His eyes are getting big now and he looks nervous. His cheeks started to turn red and his body posture started to get even more nervous.
"You uhm..you heard me talking to myself?"
"Yeah..what's wrong? You usually don't talk to yourself...well, at least not that loud"
"I uhm..I eh...why are you listening anyway?! Ever heard of privacy?"
"Not my fault when you're talking loudly enough for me to hear how you insult someone as an idiot-"
"You heard that part?" He steps closer, almost seeming like he's starting to panic.
"Uhm,.yeah? But, who do you mean by that? Who's an idiot? And what do you mean with 'why?' and 'that's weird' ?"
"Nothing! Ugh, just go out! You're so annoying.."
I chuckle.
"I never saw you like that"
"Get out!"
His cheeks get even more red. I laugh.
"Okay, okay! Calm down"
I leave his room with a chuckle.

He's acting so weird the last few hours...

-One week later-

Riki and me walk into the school building and then upstairs to our classroom, on our way to our friends, who are waiting in front of the classroom like always.
"Oh, there they are!" Jake says with a big smile. We walk to our group and greet them.
"Aaaaannddd, is my peach already excited for today?" Hee asks, who now has his arm wrapped around my shoulder and hugging me from the side a bit.
"Definitely!" I say with a smile.
"What's today?" Sunghoon asks confused.
"Jays, Dambis and Y/n's performance, hyung! How could you forget that?" Sunoo chuckles.
"Oh-I'm so sorry"
We all laugh a bit and now he just zooms out again. Sunghoon is so lost.
"I'm so excited too! I can't wait to listen to you guys again!" Sunoo says, still excited.
"I bet it will sound amazing again" Hee says.
"Of course!" I say with confidence.
"I hope I don't do something wrong" Dambi says.
"Oh, don't worry! I believe in you..you will probably do great. You always do" Jake supports her and now they smile at each other and hold eye contact for a few seconds.

We all look at them till Riki began to sing the intro of Careless whisper and Hee and Jay join him, making us all laugh.
"You two should get a room" Haeun says. We laugh again.
Both of them are red as tomatoes and getting shy.
Suddenly the bell rings.
"We have English now, right?" Jungwon asks.
"Let's go then" hee says and now slowly lets me go, grabbing his bag from the floor and now our teacher already arrived and opens the door of the classroom, so we can enter.


We're sitting at our table on the yard now, talking and laughing about everything once again.
Right now, Hee and Riki are talking about dating and girls. Riki cheeks immediately blushed as Hee mentioned the word 'Dating'.

"Okay, okay..but...now, name three things that would ruin a first date" Hee asks him.
"Uh..shitting my pants, saying I love you, killing her"
We all burst into laughter while Ni-ki just smiles innocently.
"Did this happen?!" Jay asks worried.
We all laugh even more now and Riki looses his breath because of laughing.
"Of course not!" Riki laughs.
"That would be terrifying!" Sunoo says.
"Anyways, can I copy chemistry homework?" Sunghoon asks.
"Dude, can you do your homework alone for like- one time?" Riki asks.
"Eh, no? Now, gimme the homework"
"Wait..here" Jungwon hands him his exercise book.
"Omg. Jungwon, I LOVE YOU! THANKS"
Jungwon just gives him a bread smile and Sunghoon starts to copy the homework.
"Wait- there was homework?" Riki asks.
"I won't do it anyway"
"You never do your homework" Jay says.
"I do! But..not always"
"Basically never"
"Not true"

"I'm hungry" Hee suddenly says.
"Then get some food" Dambi says.
"Can someone go with me?"
"I'm too lazy to stand up, so no" Haeun says and lays her head on the table again.
Ni-ki looks at her and immediately laughs.
She looks at him annoyed.
"Why are you laughing??" She asks.
"You look stupid"
"Shut the fuck up, donkey"
She hits him and he just acts like he's crying.
"She's trying to kill me!!" He screams.
"This boy is so dramatic" Sunghoon says.
"Who's going with me now??" Hee asks and sulks a bit.

"I'll go" I say.
"Thanks! At least one loyal friend" Hee jokes. I chuckle a bit and we stand up now, walking to the kiosk.
"I like your outfit today" he says as we arrived in the line of the kiosk. The line is always so long at our school kiosk.
"Oh, thanks! I like yours too"
He smiles.
"Really? I was a bit lazy today..I look like a homeless man"
We laugh.
"You don't. I like your style"
"Thanks, darling" he winks.
I chuckle and look away.
"I'm so excited to listen to you today, you have no idea"
I look up to him.
"Well, I'll do my best"
"I'm sure you'll do great. You always do. You literally can do everything"
"Definitely not. I'm so bad at drawing..my dancing skill are also not the best"
"Oh, please! You dance amazing!" He looks at me.
"Thank you..oh, man, you're so sweet! I still wonder why you're single"
He chuckles and now look at the floor, with pink cheeks.
"Ah..maybe I haven't found the right one yet"
"I'm sure you will find her soon enough. So many girls want to date you! You're handsome, cool, kind and just awesome."
"Thanks, peach"
We smile at each other.

"Next!" We hear the lady behind the counter of the kiosk shout. We walk forward and he orders his food.


Word count: 1063


My Opposite//Lee Heeseung ffWhere stories live. Discover now