𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒

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We arrived at my house now and I open the doors with my keys. Mom and dad are still working. I'm actually glad that Hee wants to stay with me. I really dislike being alone at home. We walk in and take off our shoes after I closed the door behind us.
"Wanna eat something?" I ask him.
"Are you hungry?"
I look at him.
"Not really. How about you?"
"Nah. Let's eat later"
We walk upstairs to my room and as we arrived inside I close my door and we put our school bags next to my desk.

"I already missed being in here" he says and lets himself fall on my bed. I chuckle.
"You were here yesterday"
"But not in your room"
"Yeah, because you're replacing me with my brother" I joke and make a dramatic gaze. He sits up and looks at me with a chuckle.
"That isn't true"
I sit myself next to him and look at him.
"You probably like him more than me, right?" I joke with a fake pout. He laughs.
"You're dramatic"
"Thank you"
It's a bit quiet and we just look at each other till he breaks the silence.
"When is your performance again?"
"Uhm..next week. Wednesday. 6pm"
"Omg, wait, fr?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Our coach told us just today that our game is next week Wednesday at 5pm"
I gasp a bit.
"I'm so sorry that I can't watch your game this time"
"Oh, peach, stop apologising. Your performance is a way more important. I'll just ask my coach if someone can replace my place"
"What? No! Go to your game! It's important for you"
"But I want to listen to you"
"But you love basketball"

He looks down and mumbles something to the floor, but I can't hear him.

"What?" I ask a bit worried. He looks up with a soft smile.
"But your performance is more important. I'd rather listen to you then play"
"Hee, no. Don't say that. Go to your game. I'm sorry that I can't watch it, but I know your team will win again. I'll support you in your heart"
He chuckles and looks down again to the floor before looking at my face again with a small smile.
"I know. But I will still go to your performance. The game is not as important as you"
"Hee, no. Go to your play"

I chuckle a bit after he said my name in such a cute way.

"I'm serious"
"Me too. I'll go to your performance. I can get replaced, that's okay."
"You're so stubborn"
"So are you"
I chuckle.
"Why are you not going to your game? I'm just singing again"
"I like your voice. You're my best friend, of course I come to support you"
He lays his finger on my lips to shut me up.
"Shhh...don't you dare to say another thing now. I'll go to your performance. It's okay for me, really"
He slowly removes his finger.
"But I feel bad"

He smiles.
"Y/n, you don't have to. It's just a basketball game. It's also just a small one. It's not like we're playing against the best team of the other school. It's just a small one, not even that official"
"Yes. I'm going to your performance. I don't care about that game"
I wide my eyes at his last sentence. He would never say that..what's wrong? Is he okay? He never said anything like that.

"What? Who are you and where is my peanut?"
He chuckles, but I keep my worried look on my face.
"He's still here"
"No..you would never say that. You always cared about your games, not matter if it was small and unofficial or big and appeared in the news.."
"Well, this time I don't, since you're singing"
"Are you okay? Do you need to see a doctor?"
He laughs again.
"You're silly"
"Hee, why are you saying that? Basketball is the most important thing to you"
"Not more important than you are. If you have a performance on that day, I'd rather listen to you then playing"
"Okay, I know we're best friends, but why would you do that?"
"Because..like you..like you said we're best friends. I'd do anything for you" he smiles.

I chuckle a bit in disbelieve.
"You're crazy" I laugh,
"Crazy over you, my darling" he smirks playfully. We laugh and I look away after gently hitting him.
"You're so flirty"
"Really? Didn't noticed" he jokes.
I roll my eyes with a smile.
"Okay..what do you want to do?" I ask him.
He smirks flirty at me, making me chuckle.
"Hee, no"
"I mean...there are a lot of ways to spend alone time together..."
I laugh.
"No. Wanna play some video games? Or..watching a film? Or..go outside?"
"It's cold outside. You almost freeze to death when we were outside"
"Yeah..then..mh..you choose" I look at him. He looks at me.
"Let's play some video games then. I want to see you loose this time"

I laugh and smirk playfully at him.
"Only in your dreams"

Some time has passed and right now we're in the living room, talking and laughing while eating some snacks.
"Omg, do you remember that one time in 7th grade when it turned summer and a day before the holidays, Riki and you put a raw steak behind the teachers desk and then after the holidays the whole classroom stank because the steak was rotten?"
We burst out into laughter again.
"Yeah! Omg..or when the older students came into our room suddenly and played loud music while throwing confetti and Jake and Riki were so scared that they flipped the whole table and fell and then break the table?"
I laugh again.
"Yes! That was so funny.."

Suddenly the door opens, so we both look up and see that Riki enter the door. But immediately as he entered the door I saw on his face that something seemed off.
"Hey Ni-ki" I say.
He stutters...why is he stuttering?
He silently puts off his shoes.
"You alright?" Hee asks.
"Mhm" Riki nods and sits down next to us. We look at him worriedly.
"Okay, what happened?" I ask.
He looks up with a bright smile, his cheeks slightly red and his hand covering his shy face.
"Yeah and I'm Beyoncé. What happened?" I ask.

His face turns redder and he looks down, covering his face while chuckling.
"You're acting weird" Hee says.
"It's uhm...it's nothing. Seriously. Don't worry" he looks up and now looks at us, his cheeks still blushing and his lips still forming a smile.
"Are you drunk?" I ask.
"What? No! I don't even drink alcohol" he laughs.
"Then why are you acting so weird?"
"Ah..I don't know..I uhm..I'm going upstairs now. Don't do nasty stuff"
Ni-ki stands up and just walks up to his room. Hee and me look at each other and laugh.
"What's with him?" I ask.
"I don't know. He never was like that"
"Especially not after he was with Haeun.."
we look at each other, questioning everything.
"Anyway, let's just continue with our conversation" I say.


This chapter is so boring I'm so sorry y'all😭 I also apologise for not posting for a longer time now but I try to upload more often! Thanks for reading<3333 Love y'all<3333!!!

Word count: 1258


My Opposite//Lee Heeseung ffWhere stories live. Discover now