𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

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Riki and me enter the school building, greeting our friends like always and now already walk into our first class, English. I love this subject. Also the teacher. It's just so fun. I'm sitting next to Dambi and Haeun on the side and the rest of our group also sits in the near of us. Riki sits right next to Haeun, which means he annoys her the whole time. It's a Riki thing. Always pinching her, gently kicking her feet or making her laugh. And then there are Jake and Dambi, always looking at each other and smiling at each other, being obvious that they're in love. And then there's me, single like a Pringle and no guy who has interests in me. I'm used to it, but it still hurts. I love the feeling of love. I love everything about love and when it comes to love, I'm very romantic, dreamy and cheesy. My expectations in love or my love life are just too unrealistic, which is so sad. I just want to be loved by a guy once. Like, really loved...

The bell rings, which means we're having lunch break now. We're packing our stuff and now we all walk down to our place we always hang out in our lunch breaks. It's a kind of hidden corner in the school hall with like nothing in it, but it's a big space, so we always sit down on the floor, chilling there and talking or playing games.

As we arrived, we immediately sat down and now started talking about just everything.
"I'm so boreeeeeddd" Riki pouts and lets his head fall back against the wall gently.
"I'm hungry. Who wants to go to the kiosk with me to get food??" Jake asks.
"Me!" Dambi immediately says, making us chuckle.
"O-okay..we'll be right back"
Jake and Dambi stand up, walking away.
"You can't tell me that they won't end up together" Sunghoon says.
"YEAH, RIGHT?? They're so cute omg!" I say smiling.
"Fr" Haeun agrees.
"It's just obvious...but anyway. I'm tired" Jay says and takes his jacket as a pillow and Sunghoons jacket as a blanket and now just casually tries to sleep, like always.

"Oh, how I'd love to draw on his face while he sleeps now.." Riki whispers to Haeun but we all still heard it so we laugh.
"I'm still awake and can hear you. You're not going to do that" Jay says.
"Sad..then I'll wait till you're asleep"
Riki rolls is eyes savagely.
"Why is a chair called chair? Like..who decided that it's called chair? Why isn't it named...I don't know..chill wood" Haeun suddenly says.
We look at her confused.
"Chill wood?" Sunoo asks laughing.
"Yeah. Like- why is it called chair?"
"Or why is the colour blue called blue? Or orange is called orange..and yellow is yellow..who decided that??" Riki asks.
"Right?! Who???""
"I want to go home" Sunghoon says.
"Same here" hee says.
"We should hang out again. Why don't we have a sleepover again? At Riki and mine place maybe" I say.
"Omg yes! That would be amazing!" Sunoo says excitedly with a bright smile. He's such a sunshine omg.
"Yes. I'd love to!" Sunghoon agrees.
"I'm always in when it comes to hanging out" Heeseung smiles.
"Same here. Jay probably too. Everything that has the word sleep in it is interesting for him" Haeun laughs, making us chuckle too.
"Let's just ask mom and dad after school" Riki looks at me.
"Yep. How about this weekend??" I ask my friends.
"Sounds good"
"What sounds good?" Jake asks, who just came back with Dambi, both of them holding some food in their hands. They sit down to us.
"We want to have a sleepover at our place this weekend" I say.
"Omg we haven't had one for so long!" Jake says.
"I'll ask my parents" Dambi says, taking a bite of her food.
Heeseung looks at his sister.
"Give me a bite" he says. She looks at him judging.
He rolls his eyes.
"Should we get you some food? What do you want to eat?" I ask him. He looks at me with a smirk.
"Hee, don't you dare now.."
"You" he smirks.
"EW!" Riki shouts and fake crying while the others also get disgusted.
I laugh.
"Okay no, fr now, do you want some food too? We can go to the kiosk together if you want to" I say.
"No, I'm good. Thanks for asking, peach"

The bell rings. I have band practice now. I love band practice! It's so fun!!

-Time skip-

School is over now and we walk out of the school.
The most of my friends already are going home now, so now it's just Hee, Riki, Haeun and me standing here, talking a bit.
"Yeah..but I think we should go home now. It's kinda cold" I say and look at my brother.
"Ah ehm, I'm not going with you. Haeun and me wanted to do something together. I already told mom" he says.
"Okayy. Then, have fun you two. I'm walking home now. Bye guys" I give them a goodbye hug but before I could say bye to Hee he smiled at me.
"I'm walking with you"
I get a bit surprised but smile brightly.
"Okay! Let's go then. Bye guys!"
"Bye bye!"
Heeseung and me start walking and then suddenly it started to rain.
I love rain so much, but it's so god damn it cold..I prefer warm weather..

I put on my hood and close my jacket even more.
"It's so cold.." I complain. He looks at me.
"You should've bring your winter jacket"
"But it's spring! I thought it won't be this cold.."
He chuckles.
"You know that you're freezing easily"
"Yeah...but..still. I had hope, okay!"
He chuckles with me a bit.
"Cute" he whispers, but I still heard it.
"You say that so often"
"I know. Because it's the truth"
I laugh.
"Maybe you shouldn't do it in front of the others. They probably think we're a couple or something"

He mumbles something but I didn't heard it, so I looked at him.
"Sorry, what did you said? Didn't heard you"
He looks at me, his smile a bit dropped and his cheeks a bit pinkish.
"Nothing. I just said you're right"
"I mean, I don't mind the flirting. It's just..ah never mind. Sorry"
"Don't apologise. It's alright. I know that I flirt too much. That's probably ruining your chances to get a boyfriend"
I laugh.
"No. There was never a guy who was really interested in me. I just want to experience love for one time..like, real love, you know? Like in my books! Where the girls heart starts beating faster, her breath getting heavier and her hands start to sweat, while she tries to look the best for her crush. And her crush getting nervous and can't speak, because she's stunned by her beauty..and then he tells her that she looks beautiful in that dress she wears and she starts blushing, wanting to disappear because of shyness..and he watches her, with a smile, telling her she's adorable and that he loves her smile..that kinda love. Where everything is cheesy, that you could cringe, but at the same time it's so damn cute that you start kicking your feet"
I look at him again. Seeing that he watched me the whole time while talking with a smile.
"You're very dreamy when it comes to love" He chuckles.
"I know..but, I know that my expectations in love are unrealistic and there will never be a boy who will like me this way..or even love me a single bit.."
"Hey, don't say that! Stay positive! You always say that, so try to be it by yourself"
"I can't. It's just..all the boys that were nice to me were using me, while I thought they'd love me like you loved them..but they were all liars. And now I don't even hear a guy saying 'you're so pretty' or 'you're so cute' to me..it's kinda sad."
"I tell you those things"
I chuckle and look into his eyes.
"Yeah, but you're my best friend. We always tell those things"
"Yeah..right. Best friends. Sorry"
I look at him confused and chuckle a bit.
"Why are you saying sorry?"
"Forget it. Do you mind if I'll give you some company at home?" he asks
"Isn't Dambi alone at home then?" I chuckle, while we're stopping at the traffic light since it's red. He smiles at me.
"I'm sure she will enjoy her alone time alone. Besides, we haven't spend some time together in the last few weeks"
"Naww, are you missing being alone with me?" I ask jokingly with a smirk. His cute smile turns into a flirty grin. His face leans a bit down.
"Of course I did, darling"

I look away, chuckling a bit shyly. Darling? He often calls me that when he's teasing me but it still makes me shy, since it's the nickname that makes me the weakest. I don't have a crush in him or something, but when he calls me darling I can't help but blush.

The traffic lights turn green so we start walking again.
"You like it when I call you that, don't you?" I could hear the big smirk through his voice, but I keep looking forward to the streets.
"Maybe.." I say.
He chuckles again and now we just keep walking till we arrived my house.


Word count: 1614


My Opposite//Lee Heeseung ffWhere stories live. Discover now