𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏

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-6 Weeks later-

Kangmin and me got along so well. Well..maybe a bit..too well...yesterday, he took me on our first date and it was beautiful! He gave me flowers and a necklace! We even took pictures together. I really like him a lot...he's amazing. He's the perfect guy. And this morning, me and Riki walked to school together with him, like always. Riki still doesn't like him. Kangmin and Ni-ki talk sometimes but Ni-ki has a bad feeling about him. I don't know why everyone says that..he's so kind! He also bought me a bracelet and gave it to me before we entered the school building!

Heeseung's big game is soon and I'm so excited to watch him play! Hee's been still a bit upset, especially when Kangmin is with me. I don't know why tho. But there is still some good news! Jake finally asked Dambi out and they went on some dates! They're so cute AHHH! I'm so happy to see my besties dating! Well, Haeun is still single but her and my brother are acting weird too...
We're sitting outside right now, chilling while our break. I smile at the bracelet Kangmin gifted me and think about him..
"Why is she staring at that bracelet?" Sunghoon asks confused.
"Her awesome boyfriend Kangmin gifted it her this morning. It was disgusting...the way he looked at her- ew! You two really should get a room sometimes" Riki says annoyed
I laugh.
"He's not my boyfriend! Well, not yet..but, he was just smiling cutely at me, nothing about it. Besides, that bracelet is beautiful"
"Speaking about him..." Riki says and I turn around. We all look and I see Kangmin walking up to us. He smiles and hugs me.
"Hello, pretty girl. Hi guys"
"Hi Kangmin" some of them say a bit dry.
We smile at each other.
"Do you like the bracelet?" Kangmin asks.
"Oh, yes I do! It's beautiful..thanks"
"Everything for you, pretty girl"
I chuckle shyly.

"Can I sit with you guys for a few minutes?" He asks my friends.
"Uhm..yeah" Jay says.
He sits down and nods as a thank you. Kangmin takes my hand, holds it and strokes it gently with his thumb. He always does that..it's so cute..
"Is that really necessary?" Hee asks. I look at him confused.
He rolls his eyes and stands up.
"Nothing. I'll be back. I'm going to the bathroom"
With those words he stands up and leaves. I look after him with a worried gaze.
"Why is he like that again?..I should go after him.." I say, wanting to stand up but Kangmin stops me.
"No. I'll go. I think I'm the problem. Maybe I just need to talk a bit with him" Kangmin says and stands up. I smile and nod before he walks away, walking after Hee.
"Y/n, I love you, but that guy is weird" Dambi says.
"Why do you guys say that all the time?! He's so nice!" I say, being a bit annoyed.
"He just..has a bad vibe..it feels like..he doesn't means it serious with you, you know" Dambi adds.
I just roll my eyes and ignore her sentence. It gets silent between us all.

"Omg! Jake, Dambi, why don't you tell the rest of the group about the good news??" Sunoo says with a big smile to make the mood better
"What news?" Haeun asks confused.
Jake and Dambi smile, both of their cheeks getting red.
"Well uhm..you guys know that..Dambi and me started dating and..like each other a lot so uhm..we decided to make things official and we're a couple now" Jake says.
We all gasp.
"OMG! Seriously??" I ask happy.
Dambi nods.
We all cheer happily.
"Finally! It took you guys so long!" I chuckle.
"Well..yeah..." Jake says shy.
We laugh and are still happy for them both.

I'm so happy for them!!! They're so cute together! I hope they will also marry later on...why are Kangmin and Hee still missing? What takes them so long?

"Hey guys, why are Kangmin and Hee still not back?" I ask them, being kinda worried.
"Idk...I hope everything's alright" Haeun says.
I look at her and now she's pouting and looking around. She then stops and looks at Riki, who's next to her. Riki also looks at her.
"Give me your arm" she says.
"Why?" He asks confused with a smirk.
"Cause I said so! Give me your arm, idiot!"
"Say please" he teases.
"Give me your arm!"
He chuckles and she takes his arm.
"Okay okay..." Riki says.
She smiles and lays her head on his arm, closing her eyes.
"Let me sleep. Don't you dare to wake me up. I'll kill you, idiot" Haeun says and cuddles his arm.

My Opposite//Lee Heeseung ffWhere stories live. Discover now