𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐

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"Y/n..please..my pretty girl, listen to me" I look to Kangmin who suddenly started crying.

This situation is so overwhelming..Why are such things always happening to me?!

I take a deep breath...
I look to Hee again, Dambi holding him still back. Who should I believe? What did even happen? Heeseung is my best friend since so many years I cant betray him! But Kangmin is the guy I really like...what if I help both? No, that's not a good idea..they hate each other and both will hate me if I help one of them or even both! But I can't loose one of them..What? But..why am I even thinking about it so long? Since when am I thinking about who I'll choose? Kangmin is just a guy and Hee is my best friend. Besides, all of my friends always told me that they have a bad felling about him and they're usually right, since I just fall in love a way too easily..maybe they are right..maybe Kangmin really is the bad one..

I sigh.
"Look, I don't know...what exactly happened here so-"
"Y/n I swear, what ever he says, he's lying!" Kangmin says but suddenly he panics.
"Could you-"
"I'm serious!" He interrupts me again.
He gets quiet.

God, I hate it when someone interrupts me.
I roll my eyes and look to Hee and then to Kangmin again. I help him up and give him tissues for the blood.
"Go home, Kangmin. I'll text you later"
I turn to Hee.
"Uhm..Maybe we two should talk a bit..Dambi, you can go back to the others"
She nods and walks away. Kangmin wanted to say something but I just take Hee gently by his wrist and walk away with him outside to a more quiet place.

I look at him and before saying something I go in my tippy toes and hug him.
"I'm sorry" I say.
"Sorry? For what?" He chuckles.
"For being an idiot"
He laughs and holds me tighter.
"It's okay..everyone makes mistake you know"
"Yeah but..I don't know what Kangmin has done but you guys warned me everyday and I never listened. Instead, I always got angry or annoyed..I'm so sorry for being like this. I hate myself for that even more"
He stops hugging me and cups my cheeks in his hands, looking at me a bit worried.

His lips are a bit red and bleeding while his nose also lost a bit of blood.
"Don't say that, Y/n..Yes, it was shitty, but we will never hate you for that..especially not me. We know how you really are and that it's not your fault. Kangmin manipulated you and made you fall for him so quickly..but.."
He sighs before continue to speak.
"Kangmin..okay look, what I'm going to tell you is going to be rough to hear and very hurtful..but you need to know the truth. I want you to know why we all don't like him and why I punched him like that"
"Now I'm scared"

His hands go away and now hold mine, he looks into my eyes.
"So..he walked after me and started to be mean and just an asshole. He also told me that..he never liked you. He used you for a bet. He has a bet with his friend and in two weeks he would have gotten the money for dating you, but I think and hope you will now end the things with him..He's just using you..he wanted to win that bet and he also just wanted to have sex with you.
I'm so sorry that I just found out now..I'm sorry that you had to wait almost two months for finding out the truth and..I'm sorry that you fell for him without knowing what his real reasons were.."

I listen to him and with every word he says I feel my stomach turning around, my heart beating faster and my eyes filling with tears. My chest hurts and..

The tears roll down my cheeks while I look at him.
"I..I was a bet?" I whisper. He looks at me with a sorry look and pulls me into a hug again.
"I'm sorry, Y/n..I never wanted you to go through this" he says, stroking my head gently and holding me against him, while I sob and cry into his shoulder.

I was a bet? He used me? He just wanted..to win and have sex with me..All the words..the nicknames and even the presents were just..a part of the bet. I was the bet..He never liked me. So, he also never meant all the sweet words? How could he? How can someone be this heartless? God, I'm so stupid..I believed all of this? I left my friends behind, spend hours talking, calling and texting with him..just to find out I was a bet?! A fucking bet?! Why me?! Haven't I given enough already?! I was always nice to him! I..god I'm such an idiot! I don't know if I should cry my soul out or beat the shit out of him! I want to tell him how much he made me hate him now but I know I can't. I know I'm too weak..

While I'm still sobbing, Heeseung hugs me even tighter.
"It's okay..I'm sorry really"

Why is he apologising? He hasn't even any fault in it..I feel so guilty..I'm such a bad friend.

I stopped sobbing after some while and he takes my face again.
"I'm an ugly crier.." I say and look down.
He chuckles.
"Y/n, that's not the first time I see you crying..and that's not even true. You look pretty. Even while crying"
I chuckle and his thumbs gently wipe away my tears. He picks up my chin and I look up to him.
"I'm sorry that this happened" he says.
"Hee, please don't apologise. You don't have any fault in this. I was the asshole. I was so..fucking stupid and dumb! I left you guys behind for a stupid guy! I'm so glad you beat him up like that..I wish I never helped him up"

Heeseung laughs and caress my cheeks.
"Wow, I never heard you cursing so much in one sentence"
I chuckle too.
"Yay, you laughed!"
We laugh together now.
"You know, I love seeing you smile. It makes me happy. You're such a sunshine..and Kangmin? He never deserved you. He didn't deserved you in any way. You're a way too special for him. I know how much you liked him but..it's better to know the truth. It would be much worse if you two became a couple and he would've told you about the bet then"
"Yeah..you're right. I thank you for everything. I'm so sorry that I chose Kangmin over you guys. I'm such a bad friend.."
"No..no you're not. You're the best human I've ever met. It's not fully your fault. You fell for him without knowing who he is. Okay yeah, you met him very often and spend time with him like almost every day but you were still there for us. We still spent time together and he was just trying to separate you from us and especially me. He just hated me since the beginning"

"But why?"
He sighs but keeps a soft smile on his face.
"I don't know..probably because I'm your best friend.."
I chuckle.
"God..I hate him so much"
He chuckles.
"Well, good that I beat him up then"
I smile and then noticed his bloody spots again.
"Omg, you're also bleeding! Sorry..wait let me help you"
I take some tissues out of my pockets and wipe the blood away.

"Does something hurt?" I ask.
"Not really..just my nose a bit. But I'm fine. He was on the floor pretty quick"
I chuckle.
"Okay..yes, you can brag about that"
He chuckles too.
"You will end things with him, right?" He asks.
"Definitely! I'm so mad at him..and mad at myself! It's embarrassing that I fell for him..I hope I'll forget him soon"
I throw the tissue away, into the trash can next to us on the floor before looking at him again.
"I can help you with forgetting him, darling" he says, suddenly switching to a flirty tone with a smirk, while looking at me with big eyes.

I chuckle.
"I already missed that"
He smirks even wider and takes my hands again whine getting closer to me.
"Of course you did, princess" he whispers into my ear. I chuckle and get a bit shy.
"Okay..maybe we first should get you some ice for your nose and then get back to the others, mh?"
"Sure. Everything you say, darling"
I chuckle and we walk to the office to get some ice.


I totally forgot I had this chapter in my drafts and just saw it now 😭 Anyways I hope y'all liked it and I try to post another one today! <333

Thanks for reading and supporting this ff!!

Stay happy, safe and healthy, my beautiful readers!! <333

Word count: 1565


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