𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟓

23 7 13

Hee and me played together for so long, that's its 2am now.
"It's 2am already..you should get some sleep, peach" he says with a laugh in his voice, which already turned deeper and raspy, since he got tired. I chuckle.
"You too, Mr. Lee"
He chuckles at the nickname.
"I will, princess, don't worry. I'm tired, but we'll see each other tomorrow in school"
"Alright. Sleep well, hee. Good night" I say with a smile. He chuckles tiredly into his mic, yawning and then talking again with his deep and sleepy voice.
"Good night, darling..sleep well"
"Stop flirting"
"Why? It's fun to flirt with you. I love calling you those names, princess"
We laugh together.
"I might fall for you if you keep flirting like this" I tease and say jokingly.
"Maybe that's what I want..you to fall for me, darling"
I chuckle again.

"Okay, you're sleepy. Go to sleep. Good night, Hee~"
"Good night, Y/n.."
He ends the call and I leave the game, turning off my computer and put my headset down. I like it when he flirts with me..it's making me flustered, I don't know why. I never had that before..or maybe I just never realised that I like it. I feel shy when he calls me those nicknames, but I never really get shy..but why with him? He's my best friend, he always flirted with me..maybe I just need sleep. I'm probably too sleepy to realise anything..

I leave my room, to walk to the bathroom but stop in front of my door as I saw Riki standing in front of me. He wears his black hoodie and in his hands he has a big bowl of snacks and in one hand a piece of watermelon, which he's slowly eating while staring at me with big eyes, being surprised that I'm also still awake.
"Why are you not sleeping yet??" I whisper, so our parents don't wake up.
"I could ask you the same. Did you really played so long with Heeseung?"
His lips form into a smirk and his eyebrows wiggle up and down. I roll my eyes and chuckle.
"Ni-ki, stop. We always play games together! He's my best friend"
"Still...I'm sure that you two will end up dating one day. I'm sure" he whisper and takes another bite of the watermelon.
"Oh, and what about you? I'm not stupid. I can see how you look at Haeun everyday"

His eyebrows frown into an annoyed gaze and his cheeks are filled with watermelon, making his lips pout and his cheeks puffy.
He mumbles something but I couldn't hear it because his cheeks were full.
I laugh.
"What? I can't understand you"
"I said: stop saying that! You're annoying! I don't like her in that way, donkey!"
"And you are always running away from that topic.."
"I'm not! Good night" he says annoyed and quickly walks into his room. I chuckle as he walked off.

Sure he doesn't likes her...

-one week later-

"Guys! Let's do the sleepover today!" Sunoo says excitedly. We all look at him.
"Yess!!! We planned that for so long!" I say.
"At which house?" Sunghoon asks, taking a bite from his lunch.
"We can do it at ours! Our parents are away for the weekend so we have more space!" I say.
"Sounds good" Jake says.
"More space for what, huh? For you and Hee to share one room alone?" Dambi smirks.
I look at her while chuckling and having a confused gaze on my face.

"Dambi, no" hee says.
"What? Usually you would flirt even more with her now"
"Just..no. Be quiet"
"Why? Is everything alright?" I get confused and look at Heeseung. His cheeks turn red again and his smile gets nervous.
"Never mind" he chuckles nervously and quickly turning away, eyeing Jake and Dambi.
What is going on here? Is there something I don't know? Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt someone?

"Anyways..so we all meet up at Riki and Y/n's place after school?" Jay asks.
I nod.
"Great" Jungwon says. I look a bit around and see Heeseung still blushing and being nervous. Not gonna lie, he looks so incredibly cute while blushing...The little pouty smile he has while blushing is also just adorable..he's so cute..wait- since when am I thinking so much about him? And..especially like that? Ugh, I probably just haven't had enough sleep or something.

I turn my face to my other friends, seeing Jungwon, Sunoo and Jay gossiping, while Sunghoon is peacefully eating and Jake and Dambi are doing their couple things. Dambi is sleeping on his shoulder while Jake's hand is stroking her hand and head gently. Nawwww, how cute they are..I want that too..but nawww..
I turn my face to the other side and see Haeun also sleeping, while laying her chin on Rikis arm. Riki smiles but..in an evil way and I just now realised why..
His other hand, which is free, puts some paper pieces into her hair and he chuckles while doing it. He catches me watching him but just continues and he also goes through her hair a lot.

I chuckle and shake my head before looking next to me to Heeseung, who was already looking at me. My smile grows even bigger now as I caught him staring and he giggles shyly.
"Sorry" he says.
I laugh.
"It's okay..you often stare at me"
He looks at me, still having his smile on his lips but his eyes are big and showing a hint of shock. His cheeks are red again. Why is he blushing so much? Was he..always blushing so much? How come I never noticed? He looks so cute while blushing...

"You..you notice me staring at you?"
I chuckle at his sentence.
"Sorry it's just..you're beautiful you know" he says but the last few words he almost whispered to me while staring at me gave with big eyes that I could say he's admiring me. Why is he doing that? It's..making me..nervous. Nervous?? Why nervous?? God, what's wrong with me?!
"Uhm..thanks?" I say, smiling shyly while feeling my cheeks heating up.
Suddenly Jake clears his throat and Hee looks at him.
"Hee..why don't we get some water, Mh?" Jake asks. Hee nods and now they leave. Dambi woke up and I look at my friends in confusion.
"Was he always like this?" I ask.
"Like what?" Jay asks.
"Idk..like..this, yk"
"You mean so flustered and shy?" Riki asks.
"Yeah! Exactly"
"He always was with you. That's why he's flirting with you so much and staring at you like that" Sunghoon says.

"How come I never noticed?..but why is he doing that?"
"Uhm..hee is weird. You know that he's often very flirty and all that..he's your best friend he always did that" Dambi says. I look at her and she smiles at me but her smile is..weird. It's a bit panicky or something.
I should just ignore all that. It's probably nothing..

Jake and me walk around while getting some water.
"Bro, you're so obvious! She will find out if you don't tell her. It's been three years! One day you need to tell her" he says.
I sigh and go through my hair with my fingers.
"I can't..or I'll just loose feelings. I can't tell her! She will friend zone me! She's not interested in me, not even a bit!"
"Well, after what just happened she might get suspicious and asks the others, but none of them know that you like her. You need to tell her or at least talk about it more"

"It's not that easy..I'm scared for her reaction. I'm not good enough!"
Jake looks at me and takes me by my shoulders.
"Listen, dude, you're an amazing person. You're such a great best friend and you would also be the best boyfriend. Who knows, maybe if you keep being like this, she will also fall for you! She's your best friend, you know how she falls for a guy. Besides, you're Lee Heeseung, remember? You're popular in the ladies world and you're handsome! I bet she also thinks you're attractive but never realised before"
I weakly smile and nod.
"Should I really tell the others?" An unsure tone is hearable in my voice.
"Maybe they'll help. We all are shipping you two since day one, so why not now even more? They're all your closest friends, so tell them. I also told everyone about my crush on Dambi and look, now we're a couple. I believe in you, Hee"


Word count: 1466


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