𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎

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Kangmin and me are now walking home. He's giving me some company, so I don't have to walk alone, since it's getting dark now.
We stop in front of my house and I turn to him to look at him.
"Thank you for walking me home. Oh, and thanks for the meeting! It was very nice" I smile.
"Yeah, we should hang out more often, pretty girl"

Pretty girl?...oh my god..

My cheeks heat up and I get flustered, chuckling shyly.
"Yeah..uhm..good night, Kangmin. See ya tomorrow"
He smiles and comes closer.
"Can I..give you a hug?" He asks.

Naww..he even asked...he's such a gentleman..

We chuckle and he leans a bit down for a hug. Oh..he smells so good!
"You smell amazing btw...is that..vanilla?" He asks.
"Yeah..my favourite scent..thanks.."
I hear him chuckling next to my ear before he removed himself from the hug. I smile and look at him.
"Good night, pretty girl" he smirks.
I chuckle.
"Good night!! Be careful while going home!"
He chuckles.
"I will! See you tomorrow!"
"See ya" I smile and open my front door with my keys. I close the door behind me with a big smile and the first thing I see as I turned around is Riki. He's sitting at the kitchen counter, eating some sushi.

"Uhm..where were you? And why are you smiling like an idiot?" He asked confused and looks at me. I chuckle and put off my shoes.
"I was in the park..with Kangmin"
He chocked.
"With who?"
I look at him.
"Kangmin. The guy I met yesterday! I talked to him in break today"
"Oh, you mean the guy that smiled the whole time at you?"
"He did?" I chuckle.
He rolls his eyes.
"Yeah..I don't like him" he says and takes another sushi. I walk up to him and sit in front of him at the counter.
"Why?" I ask, my smile dropping
"He's weird..besides, Haeun also thinks he's a bad person.."
I look at him and smirk again.
He looks at me, his cheeks filled with sushi and his eyes big and curious.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asks.
"So..you don't like him because Haeun doesn't like him? You hate everyone she hates? How cute..I bet you like her a lot" I tease.

"HEY! Stop with the Haeun thing! I don't like her that way! She's just..ah I hate you"
I laugh at his sulky face while he's eating.
"Nawww..my little bro is falling for her"
"Y/n, stop! You're an idiot! And a donkey, a stinky monkey and an annoying sister!"
I laugh.
"Okay, okay..I'll stop"
"Now..tell me..how was it with that Kangmin guy? I'm sorry for him that he spend time with you"
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean? I'm funny!"
He looks at me.
"Mh...nah..you're not. But anyways, go on"
I roll my eyes.
"Well, I was in the park with him. We talked and laughed..we talked about our likes and dislikes, our favourite things and what we hate..oh, he's an only child but he has two cats! They're so cute! He showed me pictures."
"Poor cats" he says.
"Oh, come on! You don't even know him! He's such a sweet guy! He called me 'pretty girl', complimented my eyes AND my smile and he also said I smelled good! He's such a gentleman"
"Wait- he did?" He asks, suddenly being shocked.
"Yeah! He's so sweet!"
"Mh..I don't know. I need to talk to him before agreeing on the fact he's nice" he continues eating.

"Oh, so now you're acting protective, huh?" I chuckle.
"Eh, yeah? You're my sister!"
I laugh and stand up from the seat.
"What a cutie you are, my little donkey" I ruffle his hair and he just chuckles. He's such a baby..but such an idiot too! God..

"I'm going upstairs now" I say and walk towards the stairs.
"Oh, wait, I forgot to ask you something"
I turn to my brother again and he looks at me.
"Do you know what's with Hee? He was so upset and kinda mad in school. He also said he didn't want to play with me today, because he doesn't feel well. Did something happen?"
I get worried by his words.

Even after school he was upset? I'm so worried..what's with him?

"I don't know either..I also noticed it today. He was so quiet. He didn't even made jokes but he told everyone he's fine. I don't know what's with him..I'm worried too"
Riki nods.
"I'll text him when I'm upstairs. If you need anything, I'm in my room. Good night, Riki. Love you"
He smiles.
"Love you too, sis"
I smile back and now walk up the stairs.

My Opposite//Lee Heeseung ffWhere stories live. Discover now