𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖

19 6 1

School is finally over and Riki is walking home with me. We're talking a bit.
"Do you like Haeun?" I suddenly ask, switching the topic. He looks at me and suddenly laughs.
"What?" He asks confused.
"Do you like Haeun?"
"You mean as..a crush? In a loving way?"
He chuckles again.
"Yeah no. She's an idiot. Like- a total idiot. She's my friend but not my crush. I can't fall for her! She's stupid..but in a good way."
"In a good way?"
"Yeah..she's stupid but in a good way. And she's an idiot. A pretty idiot"
Rikis eyes suddenly wide open and i gasp.

"PRETTY?? You think she's pretty?!"
"No! I never said that!"
I chuckle.
"You did!"
"I DIDNT! Now shut up. You're annoying. I hate you"
"Nawww..I love you too my little bro"
"Fuck you"
I laugh.
"You still said she's pretty" I tease.
"I haven't! She's a friend and an idiot! Nothing more! Shut your mouth now!"
I laugh and see him getting a bit flustered.

After some walking we arrived at home and i cooked some food, since our parents are still at work. After eating and all that, Riki went upstairs into his room, playing video games. He's probably playing with Hee or something. I sit down on the couch, relaxing a bit till my phone got a notification. I take it and look at it. It's an unknown number, so i get curious and open the message.

Unknown number

Hi! It's me Kangmin
I got you number through the
class group chat :)
I'm in your class now

Hey! Nice to know!
How are you?

I'm fine! How are you?

I'm doing good thanks for asking!

Hey uhm are you free tomorrow?
I'd like to go to the park with you,
so we can get to know each other

Sure! I'm free tomorrow

Great! Let's meet around 3pm


See ya tomorrow :)

See ya!

I put my phone away and turn on the tv. It's nice to know that he wants to meet. I wanted to get to know him better anyway. He's so kind. I think we'll get along well!

"Heeseung! Focus on the game!" The coach shouts. I sigh and go through my hair while sitting down.
"I'm sorry..really"
"It's fine. Take a quick break"
I nod and look at the basketball field, on which my team is practicing. God, our big game is soon and I still can't focus! The whole day already..she's just stuck in my mind. But not just her..also Kangmin. The way he smiled at her..the way she called him handsome. It's annoying! It's annoying to know that she thinks he's nice. I don't like him. I may overreact again but I'm just getting tired of hiding the fact I love her.

I can't tell her! That would ruin everything, especially since Kangmin is there now. I just hope he hasn't spoke to her or texted her after the conversation today. It's pissing me off..she's not mine but I can't stand seeing other guys being like this to her. He looked at her so..so admiring. As if he thought that she's the most beautiful girl on this earth. I mean, yes she is! But I'm the only one who's allowed to think that. I don't want other guys to admire her. I just want to finally call her mine..I don't even know if I would have a chance but I think now I'd definitely lost the chance if I had one. Or maybe I can still try to keep her away from Kangmin. But that sounds mean..I'm just her best friend.

Maybe I don't even wanna know what she really thinks about me..but I do. I do wanna know..I wanna know if there maybe is a chance for her to like me back...*sigh* why is love so complicated?

She's so beautiful..but also so adorable and cute that I can't help it but just be whipped for her..she looks perfect. Like an angel, like a princess she's just so pretty I can't describe it in words. And she's so kind, so smart and nice but also bold..why can't she just be mine?..my princess, my darling..my love...I need her and I want to be with her but I can't tell her that. Every time I look at her I just want to hug her and kiss her, telling her how much I love her and shower her with affection but I can't. Maybe she's not supposed to be mine...maybe we're just meant to be best friends and not lovers..

"Heeseung! Back to the field" my coach says. I look up and jump up, running back to the field and start playing again. I need to focus now..we need to win this game...

I read my book until I heard a loud scream.
"Y/NNNN!!! HURRY! COME HERE! HURRY!!" Riki screams loudly. I immediately put my book away and run upstairs to his room.
I open his door and look at him.
"WHAT?! ARE YOU OKAY?! Did something happen?!?" I ask worried.
He looks at me with an innocent smile.
"Can you get me a coke please?"
I look at him with an annoyed gaze.
"Seriously ?! You scared me! I thought something happened!"
"Nah. I'm just too lazy to get my self one"
I roll my eyes and leave his room. I get him his coke and he smiles.
"Thank you. You're the best sister ever"
I laugh and roll my eyes.
"Donkey" I say and close the door of his room before walking downstairs again. I sit down and continue with my book but suddenly I had to think about Kangmin.

His smile was so cute. And the way he spoke and texted was so kind! He's probably such a sweetie. I'm kinda excited to meet him tomorrow after school. I need to tell my girlies about that! Maybe he'll be my next crush..nah! I shouldn't think like that. I don't even know him. I should wait till tomorrow and see how it's going!


Word count: 1039


My Opposite//Lee Heeseung ffWhere stories live. Discover now