𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔

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Time passed again. It's almost 8pm now and my group and me are already sitting inside the hall, in which Jay, Dambi and Y/n are performing soon. We talk a bit and the excitement in my face is very visible. I can't wait to hear them..but..especially Y/n. Oh, how much I love her voice..Her voice is angelic and I could listen to it forever. It's so calming but also powerful. She's just an angel. If she only could see that herself...I wish she would see her the way I see her.

She's beautiful. Breathtaking beautiful. Nothing about her is ugly or imperfect. She's perfect for me, in every way possible. Her smile is the cutest, her scent is sweet like her soul and..I just like her so much. I like her so much, that it hurts. She's so pretty, but I can't have her. It hurts to know that she doesn't sees me the way I see her. I love her, but not the way she does. She loves me as a best friend, as a brother, but I love her more than that..god, I love her so much that the only thing I can think about is her. I'm losing my mind when it comes to her. Every time we talk with each other, every time we laugh together, every time we hug, every time she tells me about something she's excited about, every time she looks at me, every time she cares for me or her friends, every time I see how passionate and lovely she is, every time she hangs out with me just everything about her or I do with her, makes me realise why I fell for her. She's amazing the way she is and I can't help it but fall for her more and more every day. I want to cry in her arms and tell her that I love her, that I can't live without her, but it's useless. Why should someone like her like me? I'm not enough to be her boyfriend. I'm not enough for her. She's so kind and sweet, she doesn't deserves someone like me. But at the same time, I want to show her that she is loveable, that she is something worth. I know her struggles, I know her secrets, I can read her like a book, so I just want to tell her that she is an amazing person. But how?

How should I tell her?
How should I tell her that I like her?
How should I tell her that I don't want her to like someone else?
How should I tell her that every time she's around, my heart is beating like crazy?
How should I tell her that she's the only girl I want?
How should I tell her that she's the reason I'm single?

Man, I love her so much...since 3 years I'm keeping this to myself. I can't tell anyone..I want to, but she finds out anything. She always knows everything and I know that she will find out if I tell someone. But I can't hold it anymore. Someday I will probably just say it out of nowhere to her and I know that she would reject me. But 3 years is such a long time..How much longer can I keep it? When will someone find it out?

"Hyung? Are you alright? You suddenly went so quiet" Riki asks me worried, while looking at me. I look next to me, to him and smile.
"Ah, yeah I'm fine. Don't worry"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. Everything's fine. What time is it? When will they start?"
"In 2 minutes" Jake says.
I nod and look forward to the stage. We're sitting in the very first road, like always.
Suddenly it got a bit quiet and we see the band of our school, including Dambi, Jay and Y/n, walking to the stage. A big smile appears on my lips as I saw her. She looks so pretty in that dress..I never saw that one before, but oh damn it suits her so well...

She's so beautiful..she looks like a literal angel.

(The dress)

(The dress)

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My Opposite//Lee Heeseung ffWhere stories live. Discover now