𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏

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"Ni-ki! We have to go!" I shout, quickly packing my water bottle into my backpack. I fix my uniform a bit and then put on my shoes, still not hearing anything from upstairs. Ugh, this boy...
I hear quick footsteps running down the stairs and now he stands in front of me.
"There you are. Put on your shoes and then we go."
"I don't want to go. School is so useless" he fake cries while tying is shoes.
"Well, I don't really want to go either, but we have to. Now, let's go"
He finishes with his shoes and now we walk out of the house, on our way to our school.
"But like seriously now, why do we need school? I can learn everything from home!" He still complains.
"I don't know..but, you can see your friends in school, that's a good thing"
"That's the only good thing"

Riki and me always had a good relationship with each other. He's my younger brother and very very annoying. But he's also kind, even tho he's very playful, but that's okay. We tease and prank each other a lot, which leads us to fight sometimes but after two seconds we immediately laugh together again or hug and apologise.

After some walking we arrive at the school and walk inside the building. We walk up the stairs, seeing our friends waiting in front of our classroom, till the teacher comes to open up the door. We're a bigger friend group, consisting of 10 people. We're all very close and good friends since 6th grade. Well, we also have a very big ship in our group..Dambi, the little sister of Heeseung, has a huge crush on Jake, Haeuns big brother, and it's so obvious. Jake also has some feelings for her, but both won't believe it until they'll confess, but they're just both a way too shy. Dambi and Haeun are my best friends and I'm so glad to call them my girls. I'm also very very close to Heeseung. He's also my best friend. I'm close to everyone actually.

We smile at them and greet each other with a hug or handshake, like always.
"I'm so unmotivated today..I think I'm going to fall asleep right away" Sunghoon yawns.
"Same" Haeun agrees.
"What do we have now?" Hee asks.
"Maths" I look at him and he rolls his eyes.
"I hate maths..and that teacher! He just can't explain!" I complain and lean my head on Haeuns shoulder, letting out a fake cry.
"For real! I almost failed every exam because I couldn't understand a single thing!" Hee says. I look up to my friends again, seeing them all still a bit tired.
"Well, maybe you're just stupid" Dambi says. Hee looks at her with a judging look.
"Shut up. You're even more stupid"
"That's not true!"
"Guys, please shut up. It's 8 am and I got a way to less sleep" Jay says.
"Why?" I ask.
"Someone snored a way too loud while having a sleepover at my place!" Jay looks at Sunghoon.
"I don't snore!" Sunghoon defends himself.
"You do. Not as loud as Sunoo, but you do"
"Hey! That not true!" Sunoo says.
"Hyung, you really snore the loudest. That's a fact" Jungwon smiles, making us chuckle.
The ring bells now and we all go to our math class. Hee and me sit in the second row, behind us are sitting Sunghoon and Sunoo. The teacher made the seating arrangement, so the rest of our friends are sitting distributed in the room. We greet the teacher and now the lesson starts.
"I already want to go home" Hee whispers to me.

I chuckle.
"He's so annoying..I want to sleep"
I quietly chuckle.
"Then sleep" I look at him.
He looks at me and grins.
"If I can sleep with you before.."
"Omg Hee" I laugh and playfully hit him.

Heeseung is literally the most flirtiest guy I know.
He's flirting every chance he gets, especially with me. But that's okay for me. He's my best friend and I'm also kinda flirty so yeah. But Heeseung is also very sporty. Every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday he has basketball training since he loves playing basketball. He's in a team with Jake and we often came to watch them in their games. We all have our different hobbies. Heeseung and Jake are in the basketball team in our school, Riki and Haeun are in the art course at our school, I'm in the school band as a singer with Haeun and Jay plays the e guitar while Dambi plays the e bass in the band. Riki and me are also in the hip hop dance group of our school. Sunghoon goes figure skating in his free time and Jungwon likes doing Taekwondo and Sunoo is a part of the students representation, in which he helps students who get bullied or he works with our principal together. He also has hobbies but he didn't want to go into any courses or something like that.

My Opposite//Lee Heeseung ffWhere stories live. Discover now