𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕

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-some days later-

We're sitting at our spot, inside the hall in a corner while we still have our big lunch break. We laugh and talk. My gaze looks over to Hee, who's smiling at me. Oh, his smile is so cute! I love his smile! Just like the other smiles of my friends. I also smile at him till he pats the seat next to him. I stand up and sit next to him, his back leaning against the wall behind us and I put my head on his shoulder. School is so exhausting..

It gets a bit quiet and suddenly Riki takes a paper ball and throws it at Haeun. She looks at him, takes the ball and throws it even harder at him. She smiles as he chuckles and then he takes another one and throws it at her again.
"Yah! You little piece of shit!" She stands up and he laughs, stands up and suddenly starts running away from her and she just runs after him while he laughs loudly.
"*sigh*...always those noisy kids.." Jay says disappointed, shakes his head and leans his head back again to sleep, but Sunghoon starts to throws the paper ball against him too.
"YAH! STOP!" Jay screams. We laugh and I look a bit into the hall, seeing Haeun still running after Riki. I chuckle.

"They look cute, not gonna lie" Hee says. I look at him.
"Yeah, right? Riki behaves kinda weird in the last of time..I think he's falling for her" I whisper.
He smiles.
"I wouldn't be surprised. They're basically made for each other. Just like those two"
Hee points at Jake and Dambi, who talk about something, smiling at each other and laughing.

Oh..I want to have this too...

I smile and nod.
I look back to Hee who keeps smiling at me, so I smirk back and suddenly..my eyes get caught into his..we stare at each other's eyes..for..a while. It's like..what's that? Since when am I staring into his eyes like that? But it's nice..his eyes are beautiful..

Heeseung's smile gets wider and he looks away now. I chuckle.
"Hah! You lost the staring contest!" I laugh.
He laughs too and then looks at me again.
"How about we go outside? I want to buy some water for me"
We stand up and I look at my friends and now Riki and Hauen also came back, Haeun hitting his arm playfully.
"Well get some water!" I say to them and Hee and me walk out.

We walk to the automate and he gets some water, till suddenly I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and see a boy standing in front of me. He has a light smile on his face and seems very nice. I never see him before..

"Hey, you're Y/n, right?"
I smile.
"Yes! And you are?"
"Oh, my name is Kangmin! I'm new here. I saw you a few days ago, singing with the school band. Your voice is really amazing and I thought maybe we could be friends"
I chuckle.
"Oh..thanks you so much and yeah sure we can be friends! It's nice to meet you"


As I heard a male voice I quickly grabbed my water and turned around. Who's he? Why is he talking with her? Since when is he here?

I stand myself next to her and she looks at me, just like the boy.

"Oh! And this is my best friend Lee Heeseung! Hee, that's Kangmin. He's new here"
I look at him and he smiles. Mh..he seems kind..

I smile and shake his hand, which he held out for me to shake it.
"Nice to meet you" I say.
He nods and takes his hand back.
"So uhm..it was nice talking to you! We'll see each other around! I gotta go now. Bye bye!" He smiles and walks off.

I look at Y/n.
"He seems so kind!"
She looks at me.
"And..he's very handsome..like- really handsome..I definitely need to know him better.."
My smile fades but I try to hide the fact that I'm jealous by her words right now..
"Mhm..do that. He seems cool"
"Yeah, right? Anyways, let's go back!"
She takes my arm and we walk back to our friends.

We walk back our friends and the first thing we see is chaos..

Riki and Jake are arguing while Riki is just teasing him, Sunghoon is throwing paper balls around and puts small ones into Jays hair while he's sleeping, Jungwon and Sunoo are playing a random game and Haeun and Dambi just watch the chaos while being unbothered.
"We were just two minutes away and here's a total chaos" I chuckle and we sit down to the others.
"OMG GUYS!" Sunghoon suddenly screams and we all look at him.
"What?" Jungwon asks.
"Nothing. Just wanted you guys to look at my handsome face" he smirks and flips his hair.
We laugh.
"Who did the homework for our next lesson???" Jake asks in panic.
"Me definitely not" Riki says proudly and sits down next to Haeun, ruffling her hair till it's messy and she starts hitting him again.
"I did it! You can copy mine" Dambi says, getting the stuff out.
"Thank you so much! You're the best" Jake smiles and also winks at her.


Dambis ears and cheeks turn red and we all chuckle.
"Ouhhh!!! It's getting heated guys!" Hee laughs.
I look over to Haeun and Riki who are still playing fight. I smile. Cuties...

"I swear I'll beat your ass!" She says.
"i sWeAr i'Ll bEaT yOuR aSs" he copies her.
"yAh sToP!"
She takes a book and hits him with it on the head.
"OUCH! AHHHH! GUYS HAEUN IS KILLING ME!" Riki starts to fake cry and dramatically lays down on the floor, pretending to be hurt.
"You're such a loser" Haeun laughs.

"Mhm..i think he's falling for her" Hee whispers into my ear. I chuckle.
"Definitely..I will see it when we're home" I whisper back. We chuckle and i put my head back on his shoulder. He strokes my head a bit. I'm so glad to have him..


Omg guys I'm so sorry for not posting in such a long time 😭😭😭

This chapter isn't the best, I know, I'm sorry for that but i promise to write some better chapters soon! Stay tuned and thanks for reading!! <333

Stay safe and healthy 🫶🫶

Word count: 1104


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