𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟑

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The whole time I've been thinking about the fact Hee knows I like him now. It became dark outside now and Riki is already home so now I'm talking with him in my room.
"But..what should I do know? He knows I like him and I'm not sure if he likes me too" I look at him.
"Call him then. Ask him"
"I don't want to confess on the phone!"
"But you did" he says confused. I pause.
"Yeah but..you know what I mean!"
He chuckles. Then, my phone rings and we both look down. I turn my phone around and I see Heeseung's name on my screen. I smile and Riki stands up.
"Well, seems like he had the same idea. Have fun with your lover boy..tell me how it went!" Riki says and now walks out of my room. After he closed the door I fixed myself a bit and sat up in my bed before answering his FaceTime call.

We both smile and I could melt at this sight..his hair looks soft as always, but also a bit messy. He wears a white t-shirt and his lips still having this smiling smirk.
"Hey, peach" he says.
"Hey.." I say, my voice a bit quiet, since I'm already shy.
"I'm sorry for calling this late. I actually wanted to go to yours but my parents had other plans"
"It's okay." I smile.
"So uhm..how are you?" He asks.
"I'm good..you?"
"I'm good too.."
His eyes started staring at me, which makes me blush again. He chuckles as he noticed my blushing.
"You look beautiful"
I chuckle and start teasing him like always.
"The cute cashier at the book store yesterday said the same"
He smirks, knowing I'm teasing.
"Oh, I hate that book store" he says.
I chuckle.
"Oh, really? You always enjoyed being with me in there"
"Oh, it's because of the cashier, not you"
We chuckle together.
"Jealous?" I ask, raising my eyebrows slightly.
"He just annoys me..I mean, yeah, I get why he's hitting on you. You're cute and pretty..but I think you shouldn't go to that book store without me anymore"
"Mh..maybe instead of being sulky, you should take me out on a date there" I say, my tone turning flirty.

"It's not that easy when you give me such mixed feelings"
"You literally heard me confessing to my brother that I like you"
He laughs.
"Okay..you're right. But no worries. I've already planned something for us"
My eyebrow raises.
"Uhhh..what have you planned?"
"A date...let's spend time in the mall tomorrow and go into the book store to make the cashier jealous" he says, his tone teasing.
I chuckle. His eyes are literally filled with jealousy, but he plays it cool.
"Just because of that?"
"The real reason is..because I like you too. But I'll tell you more about that tomorrow"

He likes me too?? AHHHHH OMG HE REALLY DOES!

My heart starts beating faster and my stomach hurts, in a good way, because of butterflies.
I playfully pout now, since I'm curious about what he wants to tell me more.
"But I'm curious! Why don't you tell me now?"
He chuckles.
"You're so cute...you should get some sleep, it's late"
"You can't leave me so curious like this! Let's meet! I know it's almost midnight but I can sneak out! Come on..I want to know"
He chuckles.
"Fine. See you in five minutes outside then"
"Five minutes?? I look like shit right now! I'm wearing no make up, my hair is a mess and I'm in a shirt and sweatpants!" I laugh.
"And? You look beautiful, peach. You always do"
I blush and smirk shyly.
"Okay..see you in five minutes.."
he smirks and nods before hanging up.

After he hang up I quickly fixed my hair a bit, putted on some lip balm and just covered myself in perfume a bit. I may look bad, but I don't want to smell bad. Even tho looking bad is even worse for me..anyways.
I quietly walk down the stairs with my phone in my hand. The house is completely quiet and dark so I quickly ran to my shoes, put them on and left the house as quiet as possible. I also took keys with me in my pants. I close the door behind me and as I started walking, I see Heeseung walking up to my house. It's so good that he lives so close to me!

I smile and we hug. We slowly pull away and he smiles down at me.
"You look so cute and pretty" he says. I chuckle shyly.
"Come on, let's take a walk in the park"
He takes my hand and intertwines his fingers with mine. I can't believe that this is happening...
We start walking around and laugh because we both started to swing our hands while holding them. We now arrived in the park and I look at him.
"Can you tell me now??" I ask curious. He stops walking and smirks at me. He laughs a little.
"It's embarrassing.."
"I bet it's not! You know I won't laugh at you" I say. He looks at me and then pulls me on the bench behind us, and we sit down. He still holds my hand and looks at me and takes a deep breath, slowly dropping his smile.

"Okay...well uhm..earlier I told you I like you too, right?"
I nod and listen to every word he says.
He smiles a bit nervously.
"Yeah eh..actually..I had a crush on you for 3 years now"
I gasp slightly and look at him in shock, while also blushing and being even more shy.

3 YEARS?!? HE LIKES ME SINCE 3 YEARS?!? How could my stupid self didn't notice?? How could I think he likes someone else??? Omg..I let him wait for three years??? I feel so guilty omg...

"3 years? You waited three years??" I ask shocked. He chuckles.
"Yeah.." he blushes.
"Omg, hee! That's so long...I'm so sorry that I made you wait for SO long!"
"No..don't feel sorry. It's not your fault that I felt like this for you" he now holds both my hands and gently strokes my skin with his thumbs.
"I just..I never noticed! I mean, I also have a crush on you since a long time but..omg three years, really??" I ask, still not getting over it.
Hee laughs.
"Really? You're asking why? Y/n, you're everything I searched for! You're kind, sweet, nice, bold..absolutely stunning, beautiful and cute..you're so lovely and pretty but also so smart and cheerful. You're so caring and just adorable"
I smile widely and almost cry because of happiness.
"But..the other girls on our school.."

His hands suddenly go to my cheek, gently cupping them and looking into my eyes.
"No..don't say that now. The girls on our school don't have what you have. None of the girls who ever hit on me are like you. You have this beautiful and positive energy, that makes everyone happy. You're a sunshine. My sunshine..no one can be compared to you. You're special, peach"
His thumbs stroke over my cheeks while his gaze switched from my eyes to my lips but then stop at my eyes.
"For me, there are no other girls. You're the only one that catches my eyes..the only one I want. All those years no other girl could make me feel so happy, comfy and loved..you're just so perfect for me.."

I smile at his words, fighting the urge to cry.

"It may sound crazy when I say I love you, because we're best friends and haven't even had a date..but, I do. Usually you say those special words after a few dates..but I already felt like that since I met you..so I hope its okay for you"

After those words I just couldn't help it and let some tears roll down my cheeks. He chuckles with me and wipes them away.

"Are you asking me if I'm okay with you loving me?" I chuckle and sniff a bit. He giggles.
"It's definitely okay for me, because I feel like that too" I laugh.
His hands go to mine again and he holds my hands, stroking them while looking at me.
"We haven't even had our first date and already say that.." he laughs, making me laugh too.
"Does that matter? I mean, we've known each other for years now. We can read each other like a book"
"So..can I say it?"
His eyes are big and shiny. I love those eyes of him...
"Say whatever you want to say" I smile.

His lips spread into a smile.
"Okay..I love you, Y/n"

I can't believe it..I feel like I'm dreaming and I never want to wake up...I'm so happy! To hear those words from Hee is just..AH I'M DYING.

I chuckle.
"I love you too, Hee"
He smiles and looks down at my hands, which he's still holding and stroking before looking up to me again.
"So..are we a thing now?" He asks.
"A dating thing?"
He nods.
"Well..we have our date in a few hours..so, yeah" I chuckle.
"So..we're dating?" He asks.
"Yes, we are, peanut"
He laughs and pulls me into a hug.


Word count: 1608


Hope you liked it😭🫶


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