𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟔

34 7 16

-After school-

Riki and me prepared everything already and now they all are slowly arriving one after one. As everyone arrived, we decided to play some games and now went outside, walking around and having fun while the sun is setting.
"Guys, let's steal a cart!" Riki says.
"I don't think that this is the best idea" Sunoo laughs.
"Oh, don't be a party popper, hyung! Let's go!"
We all run to the supermarket which is in the near of us and we already see one cart standing there lonely, so Riki and me run to it and run away with him. We all run a bit away till Riki jumped inside the cart, Jake joining him and Sunghoon and Jay are pushing it while running.

They all scream and laugh, making us laugh too.
After we spent some time outside we wanted to go inside again. We played some games again till Haeun, Dambi and me had the idea to give the boys a make over. Dambi started with Jake, Haeun with Riki and I started with Heeseung. Meanwhile, Sunoo, Jungwon, Sunghoon and Jay are giving each other make overs too.

Hee sits in front of me, looking at me nervously as I put my make up stuff next to me. I chuckle at his face.
"Don't be scared, it won't hurt"
"Please don't ruin my handsome face"
I giggle and first put his hair away with a hairband. Nawww that looks so cute!!
"Don't worry, I won't"
I first started with the base and while doing it he keeps turning his face.
"Hee, don't move"
"But it's tickling"
I sigh and take him gently by his chin, holding it so he keeps looking at me.
"Stay still" I say.

The urge to kiss her right now is so big..can't I just..accidentally lean forward and kiss her? No! Omg..I can't do that..but her lips look so soft..and the way she's holding my face right now..she's driving me crazy..

I notice how his eyes wander down to my lips. My smile suddenly drops and I feel my cheeks heat up again..why is it happening again? Why is he making me feel like this?

Suddenly he chuckles.
"Why are you laughing?" I ask with a smile.
"It's cute how you're looking at me..all shy and flustered"
His lips form into a smirk and his eyes start to look at me in a way I can't describe..but it's making me nervous..very nervous..
I chuckle a bit, trying to hide my nervousness.
"Naww..now you're even blushing"
"I'm not!" I defend myself.
"You are, darling..a way too much"
"Hee, stop"
"Why should I? Scared I may get control over you and kiss you, Mh?"
"Oh, yeah? Don't get shy, princess"

A shy smile crawls over my lips and my hands start sweating. Gosh, why is this happening? Was I always that nervous when he flirted? What is he doing with me???

"Okay, stop and let me finish your make up"
I say.
"What a pity..I was hoping we two could disappear alone and make out in a lonely room"
My eyes wide and I can feel how my cheeks are just blushing brightly.
"Are you drunk?" I ask.
"Nope..I'm just enjoying seeing you like this..."
His voice gets deeper and his smirk wider.

My stomach feels weird..why is that so? What is he doing??

"Guys, I'm done with Riki!" Haeun says proudly and we turn to them, laughing as we saw what a beautiful lady Riki is now. He flips is hair in a savage way.
"I know I look beautiful" he says and changes his voice to a higher one to sound like a girl .
We all laugh again and now continue to do the make overs at the other boys. Right now, I finished with the base and also with the eyes so the last step is now Heeseung's lips.

I take a brush and gently apply the lipstick on his lips. Damn..his lips are so soft and heart shaped..I never noticed how beautiful his lips were and now that I did, I don't want to stop staring at them..Y/n stop! Focus!
With a concentrated gaze I stare at his lips while applying the lipstick. I feel his eyes watching me and as I finished he smirked and chuckled in a flirty way.

My Opposite//Lee Heeseung ffWhere stories live. Discover now