Chapter 32 - Just Stay Here

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Chapter 32 - Just stay here unedited

Just like when they went wild fishing recently, on the way home, rainwater slanted down on the windshield, and the wipers set to maximum gear didn't have time to react, blurring their vision time and time again.

Ying Zhiyu connected to the car stereo in her car and played a more soothing music, focusing her attention on the front like Zhou Wangyu while driving.

Before setting off, Ying Zhiyu was still hesitating whose car to take. Zhou Wangyu walked over with an umbrella and said, "Let us take your car back. I will take a taxi back tonight."

The distance between the mountain and the fish farm is nearly forty minutes by car from Ying Zhiyu's house. Upon hearing Zhou Wangyu's words, Ying Zhiyu felt a bit embarrassed and said, "After you go back, I'll help you take a taxi."

Worried about Zhou Wangyu's refusal, Ying Zhiyu immediately said, "No refusal allowed."

With a loud bang, the umbrella in Zhou Wangyu's hand opened. The black umbrella was large enough to block the pouring rain for the two of them. He smiled and said,"Okay."

Zhou Wangyu sent Ying Zhiyu to the passenger seat and he himself sat in the driver's seat. Ying Zhiyu's driver seat was slightly forward, and Zhou Wangyu adjusted the position of the seat and started the car.

As evening approached, dark clouds covered everything in the sky making it darkened.

Fortunately, there were not many cars on the way home, and at the same time, Zhou Wangyu and Ying Zhiyu talked about some details about insulation inside the wall, and time quietly passed.

Zhou Wangyu spoke up and said, "The insulation board has already been fully installed today, but the following steps, such as applying mortar, spraying waterproof and anti mold coatings, and painting, may come to a halt."

Ying Zhiyu thought for a moment and said, "Is it because of the rainy weather?"

She took out her mobile phone to check the weather forecast just after replying. It showed that there would be rainstorm from now to tomorrow morning, and it would be cloudy tomorrow afternoon. She continued to say: "It doesn't seem to rain after tomorrow."

"Rainy days can be a barrier, and if it doesn't rain, it depends on the humidity in the air," Zhou Wangyu explained. "It's currently the rainy season, and in fact, it's not appropriate to do wall renovation at this time. However, according to the master's schedule, it can only be done at this time."

Even with the complete steps to build a fish house, encountering such a sudden situation is very frustrating.

However, it seems that Zhou Wangyu has also prepared for an extension of the construction period. Ying Zhiyu asked, "I see that the fish tank bracket has arrived today. If the wall cannot be made, can these brackets be installed first?"

"Well, but only a part can be installed. We need to wait until the wall construction is completed and thoroughly clean the fish room before all the fish tank supports can be assembled and entered."

The fish house is not achieved overnight, and everything is the same. It needs to be passed slowly, and this road is not as easy as imagined.

After entering the city, it happened to be peak rush hours, and looking around, there were red lights behind the cars. Buses are overcrowded, making it difficult to take a taxi. The bus stop is crowded with many people waiting for the bus.

The traffic jam delayed some time, but Zhou Wangyu safely escorted Ying Zhiyu back home.

The car drove into the underground parking lot, and under the guidance of Ying Zhiyu, Zhou Wangyu parked in her parking spot. The two of them took the elevator to the first floor.

As the weather forecast said, the rainstorm was still going on, and the rain fell on the steps and then was flowing to both sides.

There is also accumulated water on the road surface, and as vehicles pass by, the splashing water on the tires is almost at the same height as the green belt.

Ying Zhiyu lowered her eyes and looked at the camera bag that Zhou Wangyu was carrying for her. Today, she was only participating in the shooting, and at this moment, Ying Zhiyu felt tired, let alone Zhou Wangyu, who had been busy all day.

Sensing the dimming of the sky, the street lights suddenly lit up, shining on Zhou Wangyu's face. The corners of his eyes were still slightly drooping, and a hint of worry was added to his deep eyes.

The rain was so heavy that it couldn't stop for a while, so Ying Zhiyu pursed her lips.

"Zhou Wangyu, just stay here."

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