33 | her broken heart

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I watched her heart break and I could tell she wanted to cry. This is never how I wanted this to go down. Not how I wanted this night to end. Somehow I knew one of our hearts would break, but still, I never wanted it to be hers.

Her tears are barely contained and it takes all the restraint I have to not walk over to her and pull her in a big hug. Now we both have broken hearts. Now we're matching.

I don't think I've ever been more nervous than I am right now. My anxiety has been high all day and I can't seem to calm down.

It seems like my heart will explode with how fast it's going and I don't know how to stop it.

Yesterday when we landed in Ohio I was supposed to meet up with Paige but the team asked me not to. Which I reluctantly did what they asked.

So here I am extremely early to the court so that I can see Paige before the game.

My nose is still broke obviously and it hurts a lot. Everyone I know has been sending me messages about it and the clip of it happening. Why do they think that I'd want to see that?

Angel keeps texting me to apologize and she won't accept that it's okay. I understand that accidents happen and I should have been more aware that there was a defender on me. She also should have been aware of where her body was.

I'm sitting on the bench three and a half hours before the game waiting for Paige to show up. I might have lied to my coach and said I wanted to shoot around before.

All of my gear is here and I put it in our locker room so that I wouldn't lose it. That would really suck.

I'm tapping my foot impatiently on the ground and I keep glancing at my phone. Caitlin asked if she could come and see Paige too and I said of course because this is her old teammate too.

However she isn't coming for another thirty minutes to an hour because she wanted to give me time with Paige. Which I thought was sweet.

The doors burst open and Paige comes barreling in. Once she spots me she sprints to me and I stand up just in time for her to fling herself at me.

I take a few steps back but I catch her and hold her up. She really needs to put some weight on because she's light as fuck.

My head goes in her neck and I squeeze her so fucking hard.

"I missed you, P."

"I missed you more, Will."

I put her down on the ground and we just laugh at the fact that we're both here. Playing on the same court once again.

A little different this time but the thought is there. Too bad we're not in the same uniform.

"I put my name in the transfer portal this morning. For the regulations and everything you know?"

"Shut the fuck up. This is so exciting. I can't wait to play with you again. It's totally going to suck playing you today though."

"Because you can't guard me?"

She shoves me lightly and we sit on the bench together but move the chairs to face each other.

"So what did you decide on Caitlin?"

"I don't know yet. Obviously I love her but this has happened to me twice. Do you really think that I'll be able to trust her again?"

"Hm. I think the way you talk about it proves that you'll be able to. We all know that you guys are the IT couple in college basketball right now. However I want you to realize that with the incident being so recent the media will blow up again."

lunch, caitlin clarkWhere stories live. Discover now