36 | aunty

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double update bitches

I'm laying on my bed at A'jas house trying to ignore everyone but A'ja obviously isn't having it when she comes in the room and jumps on me.

Like actually belly flops onto me.

"Oof. Bro why are you so heavy?"

"Don't even. Get the fuck up. Everyone on the team is back and they want to play with you."

"You do realize I don't have any basketball stuff You told me not to pack it because we were just going to chill."

"Girl. You do realize I play basketball professionally right? So I have clothes for you."

"Yeah but my ass is fatter than yours. Are you sure that your shorts will even fit?"

She smacks me and moves to get off me. She can't even say anything because mine really is bigger than hers.

"Shut up. I'll get you clothes. Wait here. The girls are so excited to see you."

"I love them. They're all so fun. Much better than you if I'm going to be honest."

A'ja has tried to keep my mind off of my personal life. It's been in shambles as of late. I mean, two of the best basketball players going into this Rookie Class like me, my best friend has blocked me and I've moved back to Uconn.

A'ja comes back in with clothes and throws them at me. I pick up the shorts to see that they're South Carolina shorts.

"Bro. You're joking me."

She cackles at my reaction and I flip her off. Of course she would do something like that.

I roll my eyes and change into the clothes she gave me. Once I put my hair up I head out to find her holding Betty. Caitlin wanted me to take her since she'd be all over the place when games started in the W.

Geno gave me the summer off, most of it anyways. As long as I promise to do workouts consistently during my time off he said I don't have to come back. He knows that my life is a little rocky right now and he cares.

I appreciate that.

"Alright girl. You're driving. Because I need to catch up on my time with Betty."

"But you saw her so much during the games. Be so for real."

"Don't be jealous that she loves me more than you already."

I roll my eyes at her but grab her keys.

"Then I'm driving your car. Sucks to suck."

"Fine. My playlist."

We have about the same taste anyways so that's okay. Plus she's a people pleaser so shes sure to play music I like no matter what.

When I pull up to the gym I see a lot of cars there. She said that this wasn't an official practice but I'm getting the vibe that she lied to me about it. No way is the coach here for an unofficial practice.

We walk in and I see Jackie standing there talking to Kelsey.

"Jackie Young, Kelsey Plum, is that you?" I say dramatically. They turn around quickly and I see the biggest grins on their faces.

They both come running to me and I hold my arms out for a hug. Their bodies crash into me and we go flying to the floor. I'm laughing at them and they're just hugging me.

lunch, caitlin clarkWhere stories live. Discover now