chapter 5: first mission

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The next day after Asta and Noelle were now properly reunited after he regained his memory's. The two of them had spent most of the night catching up and Noelle was surprised that that Asta didn't end up getting magic but instead got the power of anti magic. The next morning Asta was wearing an apron and head scarf as he ran through the black bulls library with a brush cleaning the dust off the shelf's.

He then stood out at the back of the headquarters with a pile of laundry, "Scrub scrub stains be gone" he said washing a black shirt and when he reached back into the pile he looked confused as he pulled out one of Vanessa's bras and blushed.

"Why don't you let me take care of the women's side" said a female voice near him and he looked to see Noelle holding a basin of water, "Normally I don't usually do this kind of thing but it is the newbies job to take care of the chores" she said sitting down on the ground next to Asta taking the bra but looked confused on how to wash it.

"Here try using one of these" Asta offered smiling as he handed her a wash board, "Not that I'm not grateful the help but you could have slept in" he said.

"I heard you were taking care of the chores this morning and we haven't seen each other before yesterday in years" she said revealing her true motive for getting up early.

"Yeah I guess your right" said Asta rubbing the back of his head as he reached into the pile again only to pull out another one of Vanessa's bras making his face go red making him fall back.

"What other chores there are to do anyway" asked Noelle?

The two of them stood in front of the beasts cage with Asta holding a piece of meat forward, "Are you sure this is really safe" asked Noelle standing away from the cage?

"I'm sure it's fine, now back up beasty and you'll get a snack" said Asta walking up to the cage where the beasts stood back, "See that wasn't hard, I think they deserve a treat" he said stretching out the piece of meat. One of the beasts stretched its head out from the opening of the cage, only then to create a big hole biting down on the meat and Asta who screamed shaking his legs.

"Oh no, put him down" said Noelle pointing her hands at the beast as a water ball formed, she sent it flying at the beast only for the water to send Asta out of the beasts mouth onto the ground.

"LETS GET OUT OF HERE" yelled Asta as he ran past Noelle grabbing her hand and running away.

Asta now stood outside captain Yamis room while Noelle went to the main hall to tell them the beasts cage had been damaged, "Uh captain Yami" he said knocking on the door only to hear nothing, "Captain it's time to get up" he said knocking on the door.

"Will you just go away already" came the captains voice annoyed which made Asta run away.

"But you told me I had to wake you up" said Asta as he ran away.

Inside the main hall Asta sat at one of the tables next to Noelle and Charmy while Magna, Vanessa and Luck were sitting on the other side, "Gotta say I'm surprised a royal is helping out with simple chores, or is it you wanted to spend some alone time with Asta" said Vanessa winking at Noelle who blushed from the statement.

"Well I was Uh, just making sure he was doing it right" said Noelle brushing one of her pony tails back.

"I know this is a stupid question to ask but what is it a magic knights squad do anyway" asked Asta calmly?

"What you joined without knowing what we even do" said Magna looking annoyed, "We work together to fight for and protect the clover kingdom" he said giving the salute.

"It's also a nice way to meet some hot guys" said Vanessa blushing as she looked away taking a drink from the bottle that was in her hand.

"You can beat up bad guys and no one will say a word if you beat them almost to death" said Luck punching his fists forward.

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