chapter 96: Don't underestimate us

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Noelle flew above what remained of Solids room after defeating the controlled member of the golden dawn, "Solid we need to get Nozel and Nebra to safety," she said before looking surprised when multiple controlled golden dawn members flew around the room.

"Just what have you don't to Kevan," a female member said looking annoyed.

"Whatever tricks they pulled wont work a second time," a male member said before pointing their hand at Solid as a fireball began to form, "They're finished," he said before firing his spell.

"Solid look out," Noelle said before a magic circle appeared behind Solid and absorbed the fire spell making the controlled golden dawn member look surprised. The fire ball then fired right back at him making the other controlled golden dawn members look surprised.

"Well would you look at that, I knew all that fighting would eventually get a lot of attention," Zora said walking into the room while carrying someone under his arm.

"Its you," Noelle said looking surprised.

"Just what was that magic," one of the golden dawn members said looking surprised.

"Hey kid you better hurry up and do something," Zora said before tossing the person he was carrying to the ground.

The person Zora had brought with him was an attendant to the house of Silva, named Papollo, "Just what were you thinking bringing me to some place dangerous like this, you cant just tell me what to do," he said looking surprised to be in the middle of a battle.

"Oh yeah well I just did and you better hurry up otherwise your not going to have any masters," Zora said before the attendant noticed the wounded Nozel and Nebra.

"Lady Nebra, Sir Solid hold on," he said before standing up as his grimoire floated in front of him, "Bubble recovery magic, bubble refresher," he said as multiple bubbles began to appear.

"Sir Solid bring lady Nebra here quickly," Papollo said looking at Solid who was just kneeling on the ground with a shocked look on his face, "Sir Solid," he said but got no response.

"Well would you look at that, all of your power and the three of you were taken out buy just one of them," Zora said, "Maybe if you royals didn't mouth off so much you would have actually stood a chance," he said.

"And this guy," he said looking at Nozel who was still lying on the ground, "Hes a captain, hes the worst out of all of you," he said while lying on the ground Nozel was thinking of something his mother told him a long time ago.


"You will be getting your girmoire soon, I'm looking forward to see what spells you can make," Acier said from her chair while Nozel stood in front of her.

"I will work hard to make powerful spells so I can be a strong magic knight captain like you someday mother," said Nozel.

"I'm sure you will," Acier said smiling before placing her hand on her pregnant stomach, "Solid and Nebra both inherited your fathers water attribute and I'm sure this one will be the same," she said.

She then looked at Nozel, "You were the only one to inherit my steel attribute, so make sure you use your power to protect your siblings," she said smiling while Nozel looked surprised by her words. But he still looked determined.

Flashback end

"Even with all that power and being magic knight captain you still lost," Zora said, "Are you really going to give up that easily," he said.

"Alright I think that's," Noelle said starting to look annoyed before Nozel threw off the cover of his royal knights robe.

"Its fine Noelle, hes right and that's why I wont give up," Nozel said as his wounds began to be covered with his mercury magic, "Ill use reinforcement magic to help with my wounds," he thought as he stood up ready to face his opponents.

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