chapter 43: the teacher

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The man Noelle and Finral had gone to see in hopes of finding a way to heal Astas arms, was named Fanzel Kruger and its someone Asta has known long before he joined the magic knights and gotten his memory of Noelle back.

Their meeting happened in Hage village before Asta and Yuno set off to take the magic knights entrance exam, Asta was camping out in the forest under the giant demon skull as he practiced swinging his sword around.

"AHH," he yelled slashing his sword into one trees and then doing it again to another tree before he almost tripped over because of the swords weight, "Woah, this is thing is difficult to swing around and I don't even know if I'm doing this right," he said swinging the sword around with a confused look on his face.

Even after taking down the chain magic user he still needed to learn how to properly use his sword. But he was brought out of his thoughts as the ground began to shake and he heard the sound of a man screaming.

He looked to see a boar chasing a man with red hair and the man was naked, "Hey if I were you I would start running," the man said with a frightened look on his face as he tried to run away from the boar.

"Then don't come this way," said Asta looking surprised by the situation before he held his sword sideways, "Just get ready to jump to the side alright," he said. The man kept running and jumped to the side before reaching Asta. The anti magic user then struck the boar with his big sword and it sent the angry animal flying.

"Well that was close," said Asta putting his sword down as the man who was running stood up from where he was hiding.

"Thanks for the save there, my names Fanzell but you can call me Zell for short, I'm sort of a nomad these days," said Fanzell stepping forward from behind the cover.

"Uh my names Asta," Asta said nervously since the man was still naked.

"I hate to ask this, but are those yours," he said pointing to a fire Asta had made earlier to cook some hot potatoes. The mans stomach then growled and a few moments later he was eating two potatoes at once.

"Hmm these are good, I haven't eaten anything in days so this like a big relief," Fanzell said with a smile on his face while Asta was just sitting down.

"So uh, why are you naked?" He asked.

"Oh I was just trying to catch some fish and I must have accidentally entered boar territory and they got real mad," he said rubbing the back of his head before going back to eating.

"That still doesn't answer my question," Asta said looking confused.

"I didn't want any of my clothes to get wet and by the way what are these, every time I take a bite they suck the moisture out of my mouth," he said before looking like he was struggling to get a bite down and Asta passed him his canteen.

"Their hot potatoes, a special from my home village," Asta answered after Fanzell took a drink and then looked disgusted.

"This stuff is sour, what is it," he said only for Asta to smiled as he stood.

"Is my special energy juice that boosts magic power," he said excitedly.

"Is that so, well Asta I should probably get dressed now so why don't we head back to my place," said Fanzell.

After walking through the forest the two of them stood in front a small house that was next to a small lake, "Whoa you live here," said Asta looking at the place.

"Actually I'm more like squatting here, you see I'm kind of waiting here for someone and I'm staying here till they get here," said Fanzell, "Ill get dressed and then ill be back out," he said before walking inside.

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