chapter 12: together then capital

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It's the morning at the black bulls hideout, Nero the anti bird was perched outside Astas window. Asta himself was waking up in his bed, his eyes slowly opened to see Noelle sitting next to his bed, "Hey" he said after fully opening his eyes.

Noelle seemed surpsied at first before she smiled at him with relief, "Good morning, looks like your finally awake" she said.

"Yeah, wait what do you mean finally awake" he asked sitting up when he suddenly looked like he was in pain? He looked to see there were bandages wrapped around his stomach.

"After you fell asleep you've been out for about a week" said Noelle.

"A week" Asta said looking surprised that he had fallen asleep for that long, "Wait, what about your injury" he asked?

"Mimosas spell did the trick, the only thing that needed repairing was my outfit" she said smiling which made the two of them laugh.

Asta then remembered what Noelle had said to him before they got back to headquarters after the dungeon, "You said you wanted to talk to me when we got back" he asked looking sirious.

"Oh right" said Noelle blushing, "Cmon just tell him already" she thought before grabbing his hands making him look confused, "I didn't have it easy growing up around my family Asta, there were few people like Mimosa who cared about me, I was frustrated that I even couldn't control my own magic" she said before smiling at him.

"Then I met you, you gave me hope and when I thought about the short time we were together when we were kids it made me so happy and felt like I wasn't alone" she said with tears of joy now coming out of her eyes, "Then we were reunited my feeling for you changed, Asta I like you" she said not blushing but smiled.

"I want to be with you Asta and I'm going to help you in your dream to become the wizard king" she said looking determined.

Asta then smiled as he held her hand back, "When I was on my way to the capital to join the Magic Knights so I could one day become the wizard king, that wasn't my only goal at the time" he said making her look surpsied since she knows it's his dream, " I was determined to find away to get back my memory's back and I'm so glad I did get them back because they brought me to you" he said smiling

"Noelle, I like you to and I'll be happy to be with you as I become the wizard king, because being him means not just protecting the people, it also means protecting the people I care about" he said looking determined.

"Asta" said Noelle smiling before she quickly got up from the chair she was sitting on and wrapped her arms around his neck and he smiled as he hugged her back. Then she looked him in the eyes smiling and slowly their lips met in their first kiss the two of them returned. Happy that they felt the same way towards each other.

Of course the fact that Asta was asleep for an entire week reminded the both of them when Astas stomach growled. The two of them stopped their kissing and laughed, "Get dressed and then will go get some breakfast" said Noelle smiling with a blush on her face as she left the room.

Asta smiled as he got out of bed to get dressed for the day. After walking out of the room to see Noelle waiting for him, the two of them walked to the black bulls dining hall and somewhere along the way they held hands.

Inside the dining hall, "So I really was asleep for a whole week huh" said Asta as he sat with other members of the black bulls which was Magna, Luck, Vanessa, Gauche, Gordon and Grey.

"Well I guess a stab wound in the stomach would do that to a man" said Magna.

"Poor Noelle checked on you so many times while you were out, I actually lost count" said Vanessa smiling while Noelle blushed.

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