47|Woonhak's videogaming kisses

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Next day: 10:00 a.m.

Ahyong's pov:

Today is Woon's turn and i'm exited yet nervous.

I was reading a book, when someone knocked the Door.

- Who's there? - I asked.
- The boynextdoor - I heard Woonhak's voice.

I left the book on my bed and went to open the door.

I saw Woonhak smiling.

- God. I'm Jaehyung now - I said, facepalming myself.

I said their chant without noticing.

He laughed-. Are you ready? - he asked.

I nodded.

- ok, then... let's go somewhere in this mansion - he says.
I laughed. - Where are we going?
- Surprise~

He holded my hand and we started to walk.

5 minutes later:

We entered a fucking gaming room.

There were a lot of tables and gamer chairs and computers on the tables.

There was a TV for play PS5.

I looked at the place amazed.

- Today we are gonna play some games - he said.
- I know. Omg
He giggled.- Sit wherever you want, we'll start playing with the PC

I nodded and sat on a purple chair. The keyboard was colorful.
Woonhak sat next to me.

- So... which game do we play first? - I asked.
- let me think... what about a hair salon game? - he suggested.

I nodded.

I used to play this kind of game.

We searched the game and played.

Time skip:

- Yah! That doesn't look like the colour it says you have to make - Woonhak said.
- Shut up

We are playing a " match the colour" game. I had to make a neon green, but I'm doing dark green instead.

- I don't know how to play, ok? You did a gray-White colour, so Shut up- I said.

He rolled his eyes.

- Let's play Mario Kart - he said.
- Ok, but don't dare to throw anything to me - I seriously said.

He put his hands up in defense and nodded.
We stood up and went to the Nintendo's and PS5 place.

I sat on the sofa while Woon prepared the game, he then handed me a Joy-con and sat next to me. He pressed a botton in the table in front of us and it opened and I saw a lot of snacks and drinks.

- i'm going to live here. Seriously, this is paradise - I said.
- you can eat whatever you want

He chose a circuit and we chose our character and car or motorcycle.

The race starts in 3...2...1... NOW.

I was second, then, I somehow was fifth.

- YAH! - Woon shouted.
- ups. Hope you liked my gift - I mocked him.

I have threw a bomb and it exploded on him. He was first and now he's last, while I was first and far from him.

- wait and see - he said.

Some time later:

This is the last round.

I'm first and I have Woon behind me.

Then someone threw a fucking blue shell and a bomb, making me second.

- Ha! Did you like my... NOOO YOU DUMB MONKEY - Woon said.
- Haha. I'm second but you're still behind me, loser!

And I finally ended the race. I was 1st and Woon 4th.

- Shut up
- jelous? - I mocked him.
- Of you? Nah
- you are~

He rolled his eyes and I still teased him. Until he turned to look at me.
I shut up right away.

We are sitting each other, but he turned to look at me and our faces are now inches apart.

I gulped-. Um...
- Noona, I know I have kissed you two times.... but, what if I do three times? - He asked.


I didn't reply and he leaned closer until our lips collided for the thirth time.

This time, it was a bit longer then that night. But it still was soft and delicate.

We parted away and i'm red again.

- Why are you red? - he asked.
- i'm not.

I looked at him and he was blushing too.

- Why are your ears red? - I asked back.
- They're not
- yes
- No
- yes
- No
- YE....- he kissed me back.
- Shut up - Now he was redder than me.

I was shocked. He kissed me four times. OMG

- It's time to go eat lunch, let's end our small date and eat with my hyungs - he smiled.

I nodded and stood up. He stood up as well and I looked away.

- Let's go - I said and approached the door.

Before I could open the door, he took my arm and pushed me toward him, then he kissed me back a but longer.

When we parted away, I asked.- can you not do that?
- do what? - he smiled innocently.
- you're lucky you're so cute - I rolled my eyes.
- you love me ~
- you too? Don't spend too much time with Taesan, please - I pleaded jokingly.

He laughed.

- I'm hungry, let's go - I said.

He nodded and holded my hand and we both exited. He closed the door and we walked to the kitchen.


Sadly short.

How was it?

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Please, keep supporting and be healthy.

Bye! 💙

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