48| Watching a movie with Jaehyung

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Ahyong's pov:

Today it's Jae's turn. Yesterday, he told me that we would watch a movie with snacks this afternoon.

So i just listened to music all morning.

Now it's 5:10 p.m. I should go to Jae's room.

I stood up and went to his room.

Wait. But he hasn't a TV or something.

How will we watch a movie without a screen?

- Ahyong a. You're here - Jae suddenly oppened the door.
I flinched.- Hi...
- Ready?
- yeah... but how will we watch the movie? -i asked.
He smiled-. Who told you that we would watch it in my room?

I looked at him confused.

Is there a Cinema somewhere in this mansion? Noway.... right?

- follow me - he said.

He started to walk and i quickly followed him.

We went upstairs and passed by some doors, before stopping in front of a big door.

- Welcome to our own Cinema - he says.
- wha... omg.- i said.

There were some stairs down and the room was full of seats and there was a big TV in tje middle of the last wall.

- Oh my god. This.... YOU HAVE EVERYTHING IN THIS MANSION - i shouted.
He laughed.- Yes. We have the best Mansion. -he then asked-. Where do you want to sit?

I looked at the place.

- In the middle. I always sit in the middle - i replied.

He nodded.

- Then go, i'll take some snacks and drinks - he says.
- Wait, i'll help you
- oh, no. Don't worry - he said.

I nodded and sat.

Some minutes later he came back and brought some snacks and drinks.

- Jae,  i told you that i wanted to help you! - i said, as i stood up and took some snacks from him.
- it's ok. Thanks

I sighed and took some cookies.

- Ok, we'll watch a horrow movie - he says.
- NO!
- why? - he was was having fun.
- Just don't please - i pleaded.

He ignored me and turn the TV on.

- if you put a horror film, i'll leave - i threatened.
-  You wouldn't.  And don't worry. I don't like horror movies  - he laughed.

I glared at him.

- I planned on watching a roman...
- No, please! They are so dumb - i cut him.
He put his hands up in defense and laughed.- ok,ok.
- i didn't really plan the movie. I wanted to leave it your choice, so... what do you want to see? - he asked.

What should we see?


- How about.... _____ [ your favourite movie]. - i suggested.
- Good, let me search for it - he said.

Some minutes later, he found it and we started to watch it while eating.

Time skip: 1h later

The movie has finished 5 minutes ago, and we tidied everything and left the cinema.

- What do we do now? -i asked.
- i don't know... -he says.- what do you want to do?
- I have to watch some shows that i missed. So, i'll go watch them - i said.
- Oh... i'll play some videogames

we heard Sungho, Woonhak and Riwoo shouting.

-I think Sungho and Woonhak are playing a football game - he laughed.
- me too -i added.

We exited the cinema and we bid goodbye, he went to the game's room, which was three doors next to the cinema and i went downstairs to watch some shows.

Thankfully i can walk by now. Since Tuesday, i can. I fell two times, but it worth it.

So, i went to Jae's room, where i left my Tablet and my earphones and,then went to the living room.

- oh my god. I have a lot of shows to watch since 2022. OMO- i said, checking my " for watch later" list in Youtube. - Wait... i watched this show long time ago- i furrowed my eyebrows.

Whatever. I'll start with my stan's shows and then some more.


How was it?

OMG today was  BND's jp debut!

I'm looking forward  this friday, as well next week.

Thanks for supporting me and i hooe you keep doing it.

Be healthy and bye! 💙

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