Timid (Kyle's POV)

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Kyle's POV:

As I sat in class, lost in my thoughts, Ella had already made her entrance, slipping into her seat a minute earlier with her signature confidence. The teacher, familiar with her antics, had chosen not to acknowledge her tardiness.

Just as the lesson was resuming, the door creaked open again, and a boy with a shy demeanor entered. His hesitant steps and fearful gaze made me wonder what had him so spooked. The teacher directed him to take a seat near me, and as he settled in, his eyes locked onto mine, his stare so intense I wondered if I had something on my face.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked, my voice low and even.

He jolted, his eyes wide with apology. "I-I'm so sorry," he stuttered, his words tumbling out in a rush.

I raised a hand, palm out, to calm him down. "No problem, really."

But he continued to apologize, his words spilling out like a nervous habit. I had to intervene, my tone gentle but firm. "Hey, stop saying sorry, okay? It's all good."

His gaze dropped, his cheeks flushing pink. Ella, seated nearby, rolled her eyes and turned back to her notes, uninterested in our exchange.

The boy and I continued to talk, our conversation flowing easily, but without any deep connection or meaningful bonding. Just two classmates getting to know each other.

As we chatted, Shawn and I exchanged introductions. "I'm Shawn," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm Kyle," I replied, trying to put him at ease.

Our conversation flowed easily, but before we could delve deeper, Mr. Freddie's voice cut through the room. "Is there something you'd like to share with the class, you two?" he asked, his tone hinting at amusement.

I quickly intervened, not wanting Shawn to feel pressured to speak up in front of the class. "No, Mr. Freddie," I replied swiftly.

Mr. Freddie raised an eyebrow but didn't press the issue. "Thought so. Now, let's continue with the lesson." He turned back to the blackboard, chalk in hand.

Shawn mouthed a silent "thank you" to me, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiled. I returned the smile, feeling a sense of relief wash over him.

As the lesson resumed, I refocused my attention on the teacher, my mind racing with the consequences of failing the class. My dad's stern face flashed in my mind, and I knew I had to keep my grades up to avoid his wrath.

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