Feisty (Kyle's POV)

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Kyle's POV,

I'd resigned myself to perpetual darkness, never thinking the light of day would pierce the shadows that shrouded my life. But, unexpectedly, the sun burst forth, illuminating even the depths of my personal grave. It was a new year at Xul, and as I trudged through the gates, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread.

Contrary to popular belief, I didn't love school. In fact, it was a daily torment, a constant reminder of my struggles. And, as I faced another dreaded Monday, I braced myself for the worst.

The halls seemed to stretch on forever, a gauntlet of taunts and snickers, a never-ending reminder that I didn't quite fit in. My heart raced with anxiety as I navigated the familiar path to my locker, my mind already reeling with the day's potential pitfalls.

Little did I know, this day would be different. This day would mark the beginning of a journey that would shatter the darkness and forever change the course of my life.

I settled into my usual seat, motionless and silent, waiting for the day to drag on. The teacher entered, began writing on the blackboard, and droned on in a monotone voice. I zoned out, lost in my thoughts.

The door burst open, and Ella strode in, her confidence and charisma commanding attention. She never bothered to ask permission, simply claiming her seat like a queen claiming her throne. With a flick of her hair, she popped a piece of gum into her mouth and began chewing, her eyes fixed on the teacher with a look of mock interest.

Ella was a mystery, a paradox. She avoided everyone, yet not in the same way I did. While I retreated into silence, she built walls of sarcasm and mockery, daring anyone to try and breach them. If you attempted to talk to her, she'd tear you down with her sharp wit and condescending smile. I, on the other hand, simply stared blankly, lost in my own world.

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