Wistfulness (Kyle's POV)

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Kyle's POV:

I'm often misjudged by those who only see me with their eyes. They think I'm a boy full of pride, but that's far from the truth. I have my ups and downs, but the lows far outweigh the highs. It's been six years since my mom passed away, and her death left me with a gaping hole that can never be filled. Without her, I felt like I had nothing left to lose.

My relationship with my father was never strong, so I didn't have him to turn to in my grief. I was left alone, adrift in a world that seemed to move on without me. The blues consumed me, a constant reminder of my sorrow and loneliness.

I'm trapped in a never-ending cycle, a routine that's suffocated me with its numbing familiarity. Every day is a carbon copy of the last: wake up, go to School, return home, and sit in my room, waiting for the inevitable. My father's arrival is always met with a sense of dread, as I brace myself for the onslaught of criticism and hurtful words.

I once thought that, with only the two of us left, our bond would strengthen, that we'd find solace in each other's company. But instead, our relationship has become a never-ending battlefield, with hurtful words and screams serving as the only currency.

The silence between us is deafening, a heavy weight that presses down on me, making it hard to breathe. I'm desperate to break free from this toxic cycle, to shatter the chains that bind me to this somber existence. But for now, I'm stuck, a prisoner of my own hopelessness.

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