Rumination (Kyle's POV)

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Kyle's POV:

The bell rang, signaling the end of the period, and the classroom erupted into chaos. Students scrambled to gather their belongings and flee the room, eager to escape the confines of the classroom. Ella led the charge, dashing out of the room with a speed that suggested she was being pursued.

But I remained rooted to my seat, my sanctuary. I had no desire to join the throngs of students in the hallway or cafeteria. Instead, I preferred the familiar comfort of my classroom, where I could savor my lunch in peace.

It was a quirk, I knew, but one that brought me solace. Sometimes, I wouldn't even leave the classroom to use the bathroom, opting instead to sit quietly and wait for the next period to begin. It might seem strange to others, but I had grown accustomed to my routine.

And besides, the last thing I wanted was to draw attention to myself or burden someone else with my problems. I was content to keep my struggles to myself, hidden behind a mask of calm and composure.

So I sat, alone in the emptying classroom, my lunchbox open on my desk, and my thoughts lost in the familiar rhythms of my own little world.

As the students trickled back into class, I settled into my seat, lost in the pages of my novel. The door creaked open, and Shawn walked in with Ella, their eyes scanning the room. Our gazes met, and for a fleeting moment, I sensed a connection, a spark of understanding. But Ella hastened to her seat, leaving Shawn to approach me alone.

"Hi," I ventured, trying to sound friendly, but his response was curt, tinged with a hint of disturbance. I retreated into silence, wondering if my words had unwittingly caused him distress.

The bell rang, and I sprang to my feet, eager to escape the tension. Shawn followed, his footsteps echoing through the hallway. "What's wrong?" he asked, his voice laced with concern, but I brushed him off with a curt "nothing."

I pedaled my bike furiously, the wind whipping through my hair, until I reached a sun-drenched daisy field. There, I collapsed onto the soft grass, surrounded by the gentle rustle of petals and the warm embrace of the setting sun. It was as if the daisies and the fading light understood me in a way that no one else could.

Shawn appeared, his footsteps quiet on the grass, and sat beside me. We sat in silence, the only sound the soft sway of the daisies in the breeze.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over the daisy field, I stood up, my voice carrying across the quiet landscape. "Shawn!"

He responded instantly, his eyes locked on mine. "Yes, Kyle?"

I hesitated, my words hanging in the balance. "You should know what you want." The phrase hung in the air, a challenge, a test.

Without another glance, I swung onto my bike and pedaled away, the fading light casting long shadows behind me. I knew Shawn would understand the unspoken question lurking beneath my words - should we be friends, or was it all just a futile effort?

I had been burned before, trusting someone only to be betrayed in the end. But something about Shawn's gentle nature and caring eyes made me wonder if he might be different.

As I vanished into the twilight, I left Shawn to ponder my question, the daisies whispering secrets in the breeze.

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