In a Bind

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I walked home alone in the dark of night, the silence broken only by the crunch of gravel beneath my feet. But my mind wasn't on the eerie surroundings; it was consumed by thoughts of Kyle and the tumultuous scene I had just witnessed. I couldn't shake the image of his father's angry face, the sound of the slammed door still echoing in my mind.

As I walked, lost in thought, the cold night air seeped into my bones, but I hardly noticed. My concern was for Kyle, and whether he would make it through this difficult night with his father. I wondered if he was safe, if he was okay.

Before I knew it, I had arrived at my front door, my feet seemingly moving on autopilot. I pushed open the door, stepped inside, and headed straight for bed, the chill of the night finally catching up with me. It was already midnight, and the warmth of my bed was a welcome respite from the cold and the worries that plagued my mind.

Just as I was settling into bed, my phone rang, shrill in the silence of the night. I groggily reached for it, hoping it wasn't an emergency. But as I answered, I heard my mom's voice, distant and detached.

"Shawn, don't wait up for me. I'm staying at a friend's house. Bye."

The line went dead before I could respond. I sighed, already knowing she wouldn't be coming home. It was a weekend, and her clubbing adventures often turned into impromptu sleepovers.

As I tried to drift off to sleep again, a knock at the door interrupted my thoughts. I hesitated, wondering who it could be at this late hour. I reluctantly got out of bed and made my way to the entrance, my heart racing with a mix of curiosity and trepidation.

When I opened the door, I was taken aback by the last person I expected to see - Kyle. His eyes looked haunted, his face pale in the dim light of the porch. Without a word, he stepped inside, his presence filling the room with an air of unease.

"Hey," he said finally, his voice barely above a whisper.

"What happened, Kyle?" I asked, my voice laced with concern. His face was etched with fear, a bruise swelling on his cheekbone, his arm sporting a nasty gash. Blood trickled from his lips, and his eyes seemed to hold a thousand unspoken words.

"We had a fight," he replied, his voice trembling. "After you left, me and my got out of hand. I knew if I stayed any longer, things wouldn't end well, so I ran and came back here."

I nodded sympathetically, my mind racing with worst-case scenarios. "Calm down, Kyle. Let's get you cleaned up first," I said, gesturing to the bathroom. "Do you think your dad followed you here?"

Kyle shook his head, his eyes welling up with tears. "I don't think he cares enough to do that."

I nodded, relief washing over me. "Okay, let's get you fixed up, then we'll figure out what's next."

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