𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

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( the day i saw you, i knew that we're goin be together. just me & u. )

      IT WAS A WEIRD FEELING. a feeling that feels so comforting its almost unnatural. that no one should ever feel the safety of such comfort and care.

but when you find that person it shouldn't matter. that every step after is easy. because being with someone you love should never be too hard. theres decisions not consequences.

loving someone is never a waste. a saying that ran through ada's head as she walked into the entrance of the cafe. a typical spot for her during the mornings.

it's been a few days since the uconn vs iowa game. a few days since her and paige's bump in with lia.

ever since then ada had been travelling a downward spiral of suspicions. many of which rooted from the roaring jealousy that bellowed in the pit of her stomach. poisoning every thought in her mind until it leaves a foul taste on her tongue. metallic and burnished it tarnished her throat into a dry cough.

"excuse me miss? are you ready to order?" the waiter that wavered above the fazed brunette lightly treaded around ada.

the journalist shot a small smile before nodding quickly.

"just a croissant and a hot chocolate please." ada closed the menu, the sticky residue remarking on the pads of her fingers as she clammed them together in a nervous tick.

there was nothing to be nervous about, it wasn't like she was meeting someone here anyway. it was just a simple breakfast alone to gather her thoughts. yet her thoughts couldn't be anymore scrambled.

"ada?" one very familiar face appeared in front of the journalist. a familiar face she hoped to never see again was now standing in front of her.

"oh, lia? right?" ada questioned as if she had 't already known her name. as if lia hadn't just been in her thoughts all day.

         it was obsessive. only because paige never talked about it with her after it happened. more of just swept it under the rug like it was a normal interaction. and that seemed to bother her more than talking about it.

        "are you waiting for anyone?" lia asked with peppy voice. it was insufferable, how sweet she seemed and how much ada hated her even more for it.

           "no, i'm not." ada kissed her teeth in repressing grin, eyes pointed towards the empty seat. praying that maybe there was just the singular off chance of lia leaving.

"do you mind if i take a seat with you?" lia had already pulled out the chair and sat down. leaving no room to say no.

the two girls sat in a awkward silence the only sound filling the space was that of the heavy sighs and dried coughs which erupted in the air with a subdued judgement.

"are you ad paige like, talking?" lia cut through the tension, her voice staggered as if the words had been on the tip of her tongue in prance between her hesitance if she wanted to hear the answer.

lia was jealous of ada, in every conceivable way, she was jealous. the fact that ada was so beyond beautiful. every detail within her face was so perfectly curated and crafted. the way her eyes had that brightened gleam in her eyes, that glow that only a rare amount of people held. ada's specifically though, made anyone feel okay, feel safe. as if she was hanging onto every little thing you said with a certain care. and how her lips naturally feel agape into a smile. teeth so perfect it was hard not to admire. lia was so sure hadn't seen such perfection in her person until she had seen ada.

what made her even jealous is that ada had gotten the good side of paige. not the paige that was constantly fighting, not the paige that lia saw. but deep down she knew it was because the two brought the worst out of each other. lia was the rage and anger in the waters and ada brought the calmness. it was so clear, it only took seeing paige and ada together once for lia to tell that their connection ran far deeper than just friends.

"yeah, but we don't really disclose it to people." ada shrugged, silently thanking the waiter as he delivered her food. her attention quickly finding itself back towards lia, who, suprisingly, had a smile on her face at the sound of this.

"why do you ask?" ada's brows arched at the unexpected reaction. if anything she expected for lia to pounce at her. or do anything that wasn't this. yet she just nodded with understanding with a mellowness in her gaze that felt somewhat off putting.

"because she looks so happy. i've never seen her smile like that before, and i've known her for a really long time and whilst we were together she had never smiled like that before. and the way she looks at you like you're unreal." lia chuckled a little as she said this, in some form of acceptance. she had found closure with knowing that paige finally found someone that brought out only the best in her.

"i'm sure she was like that with you. what even happened between you two?" ada felt a tightening in her heart at the mere sound of paige's name. a hovering feeling that never failed to enthral her with such endearment it made her stomach turn. yet a small part of it was held out for lia. she felt bad but it was far from her fault.

"we always fought. about everything and anything. our relationship was built off of jealousy and anger. there always had to be something wrong, and the only times we were good is when we were sleeping. so when i transferred to iowa, in spite i acted as if paige didn't exist in my life." lia sniffled, her brown eyes watery as she swiped a quick hand beneath her eyes. avoiding the pitiful gaze of ada.

"don't waste your time just talking. if you really wanna be with her just go for it. and trust me when i say she wants it to." it felt more real for ada to hear lia say it. the genuineness in her voice as is crackled between her cries, and the light smile on her lips as she looked at ada through teary eyes.

"thank you, lia."


"you're so pretty." ada muttered between her chaste kisses, holding a gentle hand just beneath paige's jaw. as she drew back with a loving smile.

"wow not making fun of me today?" paige queried with genuine curiosity, though she wasn't complaining.

"do you really want that bueckers?" ada's face hovered in front of paige's. their bodies intertwined with perfect unison as they lay underneath the covers of paige's bed. the darkness of her room made something so small like this feel so much more intimate. the smaller details that made their hearts race just a little quicker than before.

"no, i like this." paige leant in for another kiss, soft and eager. she had missed the feeling of ada's skin on her own. the warmth of her smile and the tenderness in her hands as she drew her nails lightly against her skin. ada would always be a constant need in her life.


filler chapter x

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