𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨

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( i can hope tonight goes differently,
but i show up to the party
just to leave. )

THE ONLY SOUNDS that erupted between the large space of their apartment was those of chewing, as the three girls sat onto the their couch discussing major factors of their day. zia and jade's being class and going on their typical coffee runs which was usually accompanied by ada. but due to her new filled out schedule, the typical events the trio did together was cut short by her career. which they didn't mind, as long as they got to hear about it afterwards.

            "so... any hot players that caught your eye?" zia placed her fork onto the side of her bowl. wiping a swift hand over her sauce covered mouth as she questioned her best friend, who sat unimpressed by the question she had desperately tried to avoid. more specifically, an answer that may conduct of the words paige bueckers.

"nah, they are all really pretty and really, really sweet. but more of in a friendly way... well some in a friendly way." ada smiled at the thought of kk and her flirty antics when it came to conversing with the journalist. though, many of her teammates made attempts to show off their skills, whether that had been on the court or trying to ease in a stupid joke to make the girl laugh. an odd need of validation to impress their newest member that they unknowingly craved attention from.

"that one player, nika muhl is real fine." jade chewed aggressively, stating her point to which her two best friends nodded to in agreement. "you tryna get me to set you two up?" ada joked, even though she was being completely serious.

"i mean..." jade shrugged, a smitten grin graced her salad filled mouth. not being able to conceal her excitement at the mere thought of being able to interact with a famous basketball player. in specifics-- nika muhl. her not so secret celebrity crush.

"they asked me to hang out some time, so i can just ask if i can bring you guys." ada said simply, seeing no problem in it. her roommates squealed, nodding eagerly at her response.

"i bags aubrey griffin!" zia was quick to raise her hand, raising laughter between the two girls who shook there head, already used to this behaviour showcased by zia. who of which they adored.

"y'all are foul." ada grimaced at her best friends as they danced around the vicinity of their living room. pulling her attention away from the two, quickly scavenging the area in search for her phone, pulling it from the gap between the pillows, a row of notifications she had not expected popped up from her lock screen.

paigebueckers started following you !

azzi35 started following you !

kamoreaarnold started following you !

caroline.ducharme3 started following you!

nika.muhl started following you !

aubrey.griffin44 started following you !
and 8 others !

         "do you think she'll notice that we all followed her at the same time?" kk asked, peering over paige's phone as the team sat in a circle, patiently staring at their phones in anticipation.

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