𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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( i'm turning around having
visions of you. )

                    IT WAS TWO DAYS before uconn team the huskies were to verse providence the nerves evident as the girls huddled inside the locker rooms, sweating profusely as geno had been working the girls hard for the quarter-finals of the big east tournament. tired faces and sweaty bodies fulfilling the room as the team sat in sounds of their breathing, trying to catch their breaths with the long sips of water. paige looked at the time from her phone, the screen reading 6:30 pm in bold lettering. she couldn't help the sigh that left her dry mouth as she assumed ada had already left by now.

       it had been a day or two since there last interaction, that being their hang out at the drive-in. a night that paige found herself thinking about since it had happened. it wasn't that they hand't talked, they did, for interviews and general questions as a team. but it wasn't the same as when the two were faced alone. paige had hoped to see her just before she left, regardless of her aching muscles she wished for nothing more than to hang out with ada once again.

      "alright, imma head out, see y'all later." paige waved, heading towards the exit surprised to see ada, sitting on her phone among the sidelines.

          "ada?" paige called out, walking towards the dark brunette who simply flashed her a smile, closing her phone as she placing it to her side. "hey," ada, if she was being truthful. was indeed waiting for paige to come out of the locker room, granted she did not know why she was. but she did.

       "whatchu still doin' here?" paige asked, taking a stand in front of her with arms crossed over her chest. ada's wide eyes loomed up at the tall blond, mouth slightly ajar as she gazed upwards.

          "i just finished documenting a few things and sending through paragraphs to my editors." paige nodded at this, coughing roughly to lead her next question. "are you busy tonight?" paige wondered, hoping for the answer she desperately anticipated.

          "nah, what are you thinking of doing?" ada grinned from ear to ear, watching as paige rolled her tongue on the inside of her cheek, eyes narrowed downwards to meet her own. looking undeniably attractive under the dimming lights of the practice centre.

         "i dunno, just wanna hang with you." paige swayed as she spoke, trying to front her calmness even though the nerves were slowly eating her away the more time they spent in each others presence.

            "you hungry?" ada took herself to a stand, grabbing her bag as she shifted her feet towards the doors. "always," the basketball player replied, walking side by side the two took their time towards the car park.

         "what about your car?" ada questioned as they stood in front of her bmw m3. in paige's opinion it was the better car compared to hers. though that could be easily testified by ada, who took the best naps in the passenger seat of paige's car.

          "its alright, azzi drove us here." paige insisted as she jumped into the passenger seat of the car. comfortably splaying her legs out as the small bmw motored to a start.

           "i say we take a pit stop to the gas station." ada laughed at paige's suggestion, nodding her head in agreement as she made her way to said gas station. street lights dimmed as paige's eyes travelled out the window, tracing over the smog filtering the glass as her breathes aerated onto the window, tracing small shapes along the condensation.

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