𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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( tiny bits of intuition that i be gettin'
abandon mission,
sierra leone. )

                A TOUGH FEW DAYS FOR THE UCONN WOMENS basketball team. being worked near to death for their upcoming game against georgetown. monday through thursday had been days of endless practice and conditioning, anything and everything to ensure they were absolutely ready to verse georgetown. to say the least, they were more than ready at this point.

          so when the girls got texts from jade and zia regarding ada's birthday party on saturday they were more than excited. not only to get a break and get drunk, but to celebrate their mutual favourite person.

        "what do you think ada would like?" nika pondered, turning to caroline as the small group of girls trailed behind her. looking around the aisles of sephora in search for a present for ada. paige and kk messing with the beauty blenders and brushes near the back, having far too much fun to be bothered by nika's questions.

              "paige you hang out with her the most, what would she like?" caroline quipped, raising a knowing brow at her blond friend as she turned an incessant pink. growing a bright blush as she turned to face her friends, who were all facing her. "uhm, she wanted this charlotte tilbury contour." paige looked around the store, the team following as they headed towards the dedicated area.

             "aren't you cute, noticing the small details." nika cooed as she passed paige. pinching her cheeks teasingly as paige pulled away from her grip. "shut up." paige scoffed moving back so that nika could purchase said contour.

              "what did the rest of y'all get ada?" paige went around the group, walking outside the store as the girls waited for nika to buy ada's present. "i got her and i matching pandora bracelets." caroline replied excitedly, holding up her wrist to show the small bracelet with only a few charms hanging off it.

          "i got her a necklace with a small 'a' on it." aaliyah held up a small white bag, tied with a pink bow sealing the readied present. kk could barely wait to show off her gift for ada, a large bag she had been swinging around the mall happily, consisted with many things that would remind ada of kk.

          "i got her husky basketball shorts she wanted, and a jersey with my name and number on the back with a matching cap." kk held out the array of items in the air, her teammates chuckling with shaken heads at their younger friend.

        "it's ada's birthday not yours." aubrey joked as kk placed the gifts carefully back inside the bag. "uhm, if you knew her well enough you would know she'd love it." kk retorted sassily. aubrey nudged the freshmen, flicking her eyes back to paige as she too showed off her gifts for the birthday girl. holding three t shirts with frank oceans albums printed on them and another with one of ada's favourite band-- cigarettes after sex.

          paige never realised how much her teammates knew ada as well. it never occured to her that they knew just as much about the girl as she did. which somehow bothered her in someway. none of them hung out with her as much as the blond or had as many deep conversations with ada as much as paige did. how did aubrey even know ada liked frank ocean? it wasn't a fact that ada often flung around like a flag. not only that but having ada wearing arnold on the back of her jersey and not bueckers was something that had paige seething with the brewing jealousy that fired within the pit of her stomach.

            why was she getting so jealous? they were her friends as well? maybe it's the fact that her delivery of ada's present has yet to come and her birthday was tomorrow, whilst everyone had her presents ready and set to be given to her on the day. to come to her party empty handed was a living nightmare paige was worried that she would have to come accustomed to if her gift didn't hurry up.

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