𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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( i hate me enough for the two of us,
hate that i can't let
go of you and us. )

                "SHIT, DOES SHE HAVE A BOYFRIEND?" paige and azzi had spent their time getting ready by stalking ada's instagram shamelessly. admiring her feed until they had scrolled down a bit too far, so far they had stopped at an old photo of her and said 'boyfriend' he was an attractive man, tall, nice build. the photo had been taken 8 months ago. ada was leant up against his chest, sat between his legs, his arms holding onto her tightly as they laughed together. she looked really happy, they looked really happy.

            "nah that was taken months ago, she hasn't posted him since--wait check the @." paige pressed onto the screen, @_chasejensen looking at the name it had hit the two girls. chase used to attend uconn. a very well known soccer player, before he moved to new york to receive more opportunities.

              "...so she's straight?" paige groaned, dropping her phone onto her nightstand. screams muffled by her pillows, laying face flat into her bed noticeably upset. azzi couldn't help but laugh at her best friend. to see her so smitten was something she was unfamiliar to. a sight that was very rarely seen, and to see her so worked up about something like this was in fact laughable.

         "well... we can always just ask. tonight we'll ease it in when we're all a little bit tipsy." paige slowly lifted her face from the covers. scrunched brows as she nodded at her best friends plan.

      "so you like her?" if it wasn't already obvious. but azzi wanted to hear paige say it. even though she knew her well enough to know she'd just shut the question down. assisting that it's just a friendly interest. "...i dunno. she's just like-- really funny, and pretty." paige uttered the last part. azzi still in fact heard it. but for paige's sake she ignored it, lifting the blond to a stand.

      "well, just be careful. if you haven't already noticed, you have competition." as much as the team said they wanted ada, and flirted with her. it was never something taken seriously. attraction was surely there, but not any of them would do anything about it. it was blatantly clear that paige already had her eyes on the girl. whether she said it or not, her friends could see it.

         "yeah, they got nothin' on me." paige ran slow hands along her shirt. in response azzi just pushed her best friend in disgust. hitting the back of her head as she made a b-line to the door. paige following closely behind as the sky began to darken.

      "when's caroline getting here?" paige questioned, looking out the window, keeping a sharp eye out for her teammate. spotting her car pull up in the distance, she urged azzi down the stairs of their apartment.

      "hey, girly pops!" kk stuck her head out from the window, opening the back doors for the girls as they climbed in. greeting aaliyah as they entered. "whatchu you even doin' here? you ain't even allowed to drink yet." paige stated, craning her neck towards the passengers seat where the freshmen sat.

         "uhm, i can be spiritually drunk with y'all. and it's funny to see you act all goofy when you're drunk." flashing paige the many photos and videos she had collected over the years of paige violently drunk.

     "if you post that, send that, or show anyone. i will kick your ass." kk raised her hands in defence. placing her hands down to her lap. "you mean if i show ada." kk muttered causing the whole car to be raised in laughter.

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