𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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( what are you willing to do?
tell me what are you willing to do? )

                THE CLUB LIGHTS VIBRANT. flashing from every crevice of the ceiling in an inescapable euphoria, drunken bodies moved along with the harsh beat of the music. letting the effects of alcohol take over their minds as their worries eased away with the sweat that formed from their hairlines.

ada had been with her college friends, dancing between them as she squealed in delight, far too entranced in the moment to notice the blond that hadn't drawn her eyes away from her the second they entered the club.

paige was wary as she scanned the area from their vip lounge in the corner of the club. sipping on her dirty shirley as she pretended to be preoccupied with azzi who was already in deep conversation with zia.

it was a struggle to get ahold of ada. with around 18 girls all trying to get her attention all at once. even when paige had tried cramming herself between her friends she still managed to be pulled back out of the circle. and yet another failed attempt to grapple ada's attention.

ines walked about to her troubled friend, detecting her stress from a meter away. she simply couldn't enjoy herself when a saddened paige was curled up into her own corner on her lonesome.

"what's up p," ines crouched into the empty seat beside paige. her voice croaky as she choked up her words with a mouth dry from her most recent shot of vodka, props to aubrey.

"nothin just chillin." paige responded, eyes still deadset onto ada. not bothering to fully indulge into the conversation. "you're not slick, i can see you burning holes into her head." ines laughs at paige's bitten back smile. shaking her head as she took another gulp of her drink.

"bro just talk to her. i'll literally bring you to her. get up." ines pulls the taller girl to a stand, urging their way through the mounds of people. finally getting to their destination as ada throws her arms up in excitement. cooing their names like a lullaby as she fell into the opened arms of paige.

"come on, let's get you back up to the lounge." paige held tight around ada's hip, propping her up against her shoulder as she carefully swerved around the club. paige looked back at ines, who had already been staring at her, sending a sly wink.

"you're really, really pretty p. have i ever told you that?" ada gently held her palm under paige's cheek. voice sloppily pestered together between her numbed tongue. paige snickered at her compliment, a small smile growing on her pink cheeks.

"no, actually, you haven't." paige sets the birthday girl down onto the lounge, sighing as she fell beside her. "well, you're super pretty paige." ada muttered beneath her breath. faces nearing closer together as a momentary of silence fell between them.

"how's the birthday girl going?" paige pulled back, turning to down her drink. she is nowhere near fucked up enough to handle this much of attention from ada. "birthday girl is going great!" ada held up her birthday girl sash that she had worn the whole night around her body. flaunting it endlessly any chance she could.

"i can see that." paige giggled as ada played with her fingers. ravelling her fingers with paige's as their skin made direct contact for the first time in awhile. skin burning as their fingers melted together.

"i just wanna let y'know, that chase is so far out of the picture. like super duper out of the picture. because there's this girl i really, really like." ada stated, too out of it from stopping herself. although she wasn't sure that she even wanted to.

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