𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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( i wish i could live without you, but you're
apart of me. )

               THE THREE ROOMMATES HAD DECIDED that it was a good idea to spend a day with just each other. so in their typical traditions they had gone to their usual restaurant just off the beach, lazing around within the sweet salty air that wafted through their hair. laughing amongst the sounds of the crashing waves that dissolved within the sand, bubbling it's foam along the shorelines. a perfect scenery for a sunny day.

              "ok so what's been going on with you and nika?" ada queried, silently thanking the waiter as he delivered their mocktails of choice.

         jade shook her head at ada's question. flustered as a vague pink grin crept onto her face. though it was not filled with happiness, more of an acceptance. "it was just a week fling. she was so sweet and funny, but i'm pretty sure she's more interested in guys." jade waved it off. not really seeing the problem in the circumstance.

         "what? but i thought you really liked her though?" zia sat back into her chair in utter shock. least expecting this news. "well she liked guys more. what can you do?" jade tightens her lips into a line. taking a sip from the mocktail glass.

           "i think it's a sign. single for the summer?" ada raised a brow, playful smiles entering her best friends' faces as they nodded in agreement. clinking their glasses together in a symbol of 'cheers'.

         "what a tragedy all our love lives have become." zia shook her head with chuckle, flicking her eyes down momentarily. "no this is a good thing. work hard and get money." ada spoke confidently, scanning her eyes over the menu.

          "yeah, no you're right. we'll be crazy rich that we'll be able to make our own boyfriends and girlfriends." jade nodded, far too serious at her statement it was laughable.

        the three girls had spent their time laughing and chatting. feeling the sense of comfort within each others presence. a connection that could only be found within friendship. to find people that know you far better than you know yourself and that knew every side of you. that the masked persona which everyone else sees was not needed with such girls like these.

           so as they walked along the beach, their shoes and socks hung at their fingers as they dipped their toes into the water. skipping along the coastlines with sheer enjoyment. it was safe, warm.

          though from a far distance was paige, ice and kk. who had spotted the girls from only a few feet ahead. walking in the opposite direction, nearing the three in a close proximity. kk and ice knew very well about the tension between ada and paige at the moment. though they still texted... occasionally. it had been 3 days since the two had their last proper conversation on text and in real life.

            yet then again, paige did say she just wanted them to chill. she didn't even know what she meant when she had said it. but maybe ada had took it as, friends that hook up. which is far from what paige truely wants.

        "ada!" kk called out, waving at the girl frantically. ada smiled even brighter as she ran up to the younger girl, capturing her into a hug. ice quickly moving to the side, to greet the girl. ada moving down the line to be face-to-face with paige.

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