𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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( not in a hurry,
there's something about you...)

ADA CADDELL was far more than excited to say the least. an opportunity such as this one is one that doesn't come as usual as some may think. so to say ada caddel was nervous, was an understatement. the girl had spent a total of 3 hours to prep herself for the festivities. hours she spent rehearsing her introduction to the women's basketball team in the mirror. repeating the phrase 'hi my name is ada,' multiple times until she felt as if it came out of her tongue natural enough.

though the light chatter and giggles of her roommates in the background urged her attention away from her previous practices. With an artificial smile and a large huff she spun onto her heel, facing her friends who lay comfortably on her bed.

"what is so funny." elongating her words, ada falls into the duvet covers in defeat. Blowing rouge strands from her eyes, turning to face the two girls who snickered at the sight of their best friend.

"you are literally the most confident person i know. you'll be fine." zia madden lightly tapped her stressing friends forehead. slowly shaking her head at the current state she lay in.

ada, (though she may not know it herself) was very much a people person. an aura she carried herself with, was hard not to take notice of. with such radiance it wasn't hard to miss when ada walked into a room. her presence was felt even if it wasn't seen yet. like drum rolls before a performance, a teeth chattering anticipation awaited her appearance.

"you'll feel even better once you see those hot basketball girls in action." jade barlowe commented with a teasing smirk. it was no doubt that the infamous basketball team was undeniably attractive. whether they were aware of it or not, they received a lot of attention to those on campus because of it. names being brought up in topics that didn't always include the word basketball more often than they may assume.

"maybe even find a new fling whilst you're at it." zia encouraged, only to be answered with an exaggerated groan from ada. though she'd never say it to her friends. she was not yet over her last situation-ship— chase jensen. one that lingered far longer than it should've. an endless facade that dragged out for many months. months that are now wasted due to the fact the contact between the two has slimmed to little to none at all. a heated argument being the cause of their very awkward and painful ending.

"i don't know if im ready for that just yet." ada responded honestly. the thought of chase now overtaking her mind. many thoughts of chase always seemed to consume her whether she liked it or not. it had been months since their last conversation, 8 months to be exact. chase was the only thing that ada had ever come close to a relationship with. though they weren't dating, it was the type of thing were people just knew.

if there's ada there's probably a chase and when there's chase there's probably an ada. it wasn't any secret, the two were quite open about it. but now with him in new york and her in connecticut. it was only bound to happen.

"you may say that now... but wait until you actually meet them." jade was undoubtedly the biggest hater of chase. if chase had none she was dead, so quite frankly anyone would be far better than chase ever was.

"yeah, yeah we'll see." ada chuckled, gathering her things into her bag, before sending goodbye's to her friends who still remained on her bed.

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