𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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( underneath the sheets, you enchanted me
and whispered sweet nothings in my ear )

               ADA HAD SEEN CHASES TEXT, choosing to ignore the boy as it wasn't the biggest of her priorities. the biggest at the moment was paige. the memories of their lips tangled together and their breathes flowing in such sync as their hands roamed over their cold bodies.

           ada, regardless of her being drunk. remembered every singular detail. she thought of it constantly, the only thing that helped her get to sleep that night was the reminiscent of paige. the only thing that awoke her from her sleep was the eagerness to see paige.

                so as she got a text from the blond, telling her to come over to her apartment for a small hang out with the team. ada made sure to take time in her appearance. dedicating 2 hours to prep and ready herself for a day that would most likely be filled with watching movies and gorging on azzi and paige's food.

             regardless, paige was going to be there. and she needed to make sure she looked the best she has ever looked.

                 ada couldn't help but ponder over the lingering question of where their friendship stood. what they were now, if they were anything at all. or perhaps it was just a one time thing. but the way they looked at each other that night, the way their bodies almost instantly grew near in an incessant need to be closer. to fulfil the fantasies they could only imagine in their heads now unfold into a reality.

              it couldn't just remain a memory. it couldn't be left standing on its own. not when they were both thinking about it all the time.

               running slow fingers throughout her brunette hair ada looked in the mirror one last time. analysing every last detail of her outfit before leaving the house. bidding a quick goodbye to her two roommates before making her way to azzi and paige's.

                    paige had been sitting on the floor of azzi's bedroom, knees to her chest as she tucked her legs close to her. eyes vaguely blinking the light daze of yellow that shadowed her blue eyes amongst the beams of sunlight that seeped through the curtains. dimly lighting the darkened room.

               azzi, ice and kk sat on the bed. watching their friend in endearment. they had never seen their friend so angsty over a girl.

                  "you good paige?" azzi muttered, worried if she had spoken any louder paige would shatter. paige flicked her eyes over her best friends face, nodding a small yes. lips barely moving as her words came out audible.

                 "ada just texted me saying she's 5 minutes away." amari announced as she walked through the door, leaving it ajar as she swiftly entered the room. "we should get the cake ready and the confetti." the four girls in response stood to their feet. following her out the room. smiles plastered as they stood at the door with a cake and confetti canons readied.

               paige stood in the middle of their little huddle, holding the cake as she gripped it's rims anxiously. she didn't know why she was so nervous to see ada. she had hung out with her many times one on and one. this should be easier considering it was in a group setting, but the blond struggled to ignore the doubts that ate away mindlessly at her brain.

               she just wanted to know where their relationship stood. if ada even remembered what had happened that night, if she wanted to further their relationship or remain friends. ignore their interaction that could easily be brought down to a mistake. maybe it was a mistake? but paige knew she wanted it, she needed ada.

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