𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐰𝐨

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( my stomach's all in knots,
you got the one thing that i want )

            AFTER THE CONVERSATION WITH NIKA AND ICE ada didn't know what to do with herself. the only thing that filled her mind was those words, what nika and ice told her. over and over again. in a painful cycle as it burned her brain to even comprehend.

                   "paige's... ex. they dated for awhile during her freshmen year. but then lia transferred to iowa and never said a thing to paige. no goodbye, no nothing. she was kinda the reason paige went on her whole whore spree during sophmore year. she's back, she here in cleveland." ice winced as she let the words fall through her mouth a sour taste on her tongue as she watched the small grin from ada's face drop.

                     even as ada tried to maintain a smile, act as if it didn't bother her. or that this new information was never disclosed to her. even when she thought paige and her had finally gotten over that point of discussing their past situationships and relationships. ada opening up to paige about all the ups and downs about chase, and paige lying straight through her teeth.

     " i've never really got into relationships. more of just small flings with different girls. i always told myself i had no time to be in a relationship. but that had changed... drastically." ada felt the pang in her heart worsen. how could this hurt her so bad it was causing her muscles to physically ache and her heart burn in her chest it was like it was searing through her skin.

                      the journalist could barely stand watching the girls practice. which she normally enjoyed. but knowing that a certain blonde would be out there, she couldn't bring herself to it. so instead she kept her head down, preoccupying herself with her own thoughts as they swarmed in tidal waves. pushing every rational thought further from her.

                 she could only think of the worst.

                      "hey, you good?" lev placed a careful hand on the very visibly vulnerable girl beside him. the worry in his eyes evident as ada could only muster a small nodd, continuing to stir herself up. caught up in her own malice mind.

                 "you sure?" lev couldn't bare the silence any longer. watching as ada's leg bounced so aggressively that he could hear the soles of her feet hit the ground so hard it echoed throughout the stadium.

                   "yeah, i'm good." ada turned to smile, hoping that that was enough to convince her wellbeing. but she knew lev knew her better than that. after all the two spent the most time together during work hours and even sometimes past that. they had gotten closer than what either had expected. so close that lev could read her mannerisms better than herself. and by the looks of her forced smile and glossy eyes, he could tell she was anything but good.

                    "ada cmon you know you can always talk to me. about anything." lev stated, hoping that some reassurance would encourage the girl to speak up about whatever was troubling her so much.

                  "i'm all good." ada nodded, not budging. she was worried that if she actually said it out loud it would only bring her to tears. only barely managing to keep her lip from quivering and her breath at a normal pace, the question 'you, good' could be just enough to push her off the brink of sobbing.

              but with a small exhale and a heavy heart she forced a wide grin. turning back to face the ground once more. not pulling away to meet lev's gaze that was caught on the side of her face.

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