𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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( i'm paranoid i hate to sleep alone.
my minds playing tricks, trying to break my zone )

                     TO SAY THE UCONN GIRLS WERE EXCITED was an understatement. emotions in a spur as they entered the locker room with an eruption of cheers booming off the thick concrete walls in a deafening echo. smiles were the only thing that brimmed their faces amongst their glowing eyes which only gleamed brighter beneath the harsh lights of the locker room.

ada indulged in this moment, not failing to take hundreds of photos of the girls as they cheered their way out the stadium. though they'd be lying if they said they weren't nervous. in fact that was all that ran through their minds as they entered the stadium. screams brittle to their ears as it pierced their eardrums.

ada took her place next to levi and geno, slipping on her uconn jersey over her sweatshirt. levi taking a quick flick of his friend as she turned around, flashing the infamous name 'arnold' in bold white letters across the navy blue jersey. this did not fly over paige's head, in fact the blond could barely focus on drills as it seemed the only thing that had caught her attention was that of ada caddel, wearing 'arnold' on her back instead of 'bueckers'. yet she knew she couldn't be mad, they were not yet anything, but they still weren't nothing.

on the borderline of friends and more than. a silent discussion they had both agreed on. or yet to agree on this upcoming wednesday. wednesday was the only day the two looked forward to. so much so ada had talked about it so much with her roommates, zia and jade were on the brink of kicking their best friend out. paige had been babbling non stop about it to kk, ice and azzi so much that the three girls were so sure they had to put duct tape  over her mouth just to get her to stop talking about the girl.

"why aren't you wearing your girlfriend's number?" levi nudged ada playfully, eyes flicking over towards paige who quickly averted her gaze back towards her teammates. ada scoffed at levi's comment. an airy snicker hitting the back of her throat.

"firstly she isn't my girlfriend, and second kk gave this to me to wear as a present on my birthday. i can't just not wear it. and besides azzi is wearing paige's jersey anyway." ada stated. she couldn't deny the feelings that were internally eating her organs as she had hoped to be able to wear paige's jersey. but knowing how the media was, and especially paige's fans. assumptions and rumours would spread the second she would put it on. there was already enough for paige to deal with, another load for her to carry was the last thing ada wanted to do.

"hmm sure caddel. you ain't fooling no one." levi laughed, turning his focus back towards his camera. taking a few more photos before setting it down beside him. ada let his words linger, letting them sink deep into the surface of her skin as she pondered within her own thoughts. she wanted paige to give her her jersey. it was weird to ask azzi for it and she couldn't make that decision on her own when they had barely talked about where their relationship stood.

as of recent it had been secret hook ups and stolen kisses in empty hallways and in the safety of either paige's or ada's room. they didn't need any one else to know besides their best friends. everybody else can continue to wonder.

it was fun to sneak around, but paige couldn't ignore the urge to kiss ada in front of a crowd. to hold her hand in a group full of their friends. just to hold her, kiss her in the way she needed. it was killing her to pretend that ada didn't mean anything to her more than just a friend. because the way her heart swelled and her tongue goes numb when she attempts to talk to her says otherwise. but she knew it was best to keep it a secret. both of their careers were in jeopardy if anyone found out. so to go completely public was something in a completely different category in itself.

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