𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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( but we have conversations
in my head. )

               JADE, ZIA AND ADA had been roaming walmart for the past hour. collecting the necessities as they threw them all into a bunch inside their cart. bickering into a small chatter as they collected more items as they passed each aisle.

         "nika texted me last night..." jade slowly released a sigh. trying to persuade her nonchalance, though her widened smile had betrayed her. even so her friends knew of her prolonged crush on the basketball girl. though they never took her crushes seriously due to the fact it changed every week, but something about this one differed from the others.

        "oooo," ada teased, playfully nudging her friend who was undeniably swooning. far too embarrassed, jade looked down at her feet, sliding her sneakers along the sticky floors. the thoughts of nika entangled amongst her mind.

       "it's the fact jade and nika have made more progress than paige and ada in a matter of days." zia stated, placing the box of cereal back onto the shelf, feeling ada's eyes piercing the side of her head. still in complete denial of her feelings towards the tall blond.

      "paige and i are friends." ada shrugged, opting to brush the topic under the rug rather than coming to terms with the fact she might genuinely like her. but every time the thought did cross her mind, it would always conclude into ignorance.

      "sure, sureee." jade lightly pushing her friend with the cart. to which she theatrically gasped, "and paige was literally known for being a player last year. i could just be a fling to her." ada pointed, remembering all the talk of paige's past reputations on campus.

       "true, but you can tell in the way she looks at you it's something more than just a fling." zia was adamant on making the two happen. in secret aubrey had been feeding zia information on paige, and how irritatingly often she spoke of ada. not indirectly admitting her feelings, but hinting enough times to suggest them.

          "she looks at me in a... friendly way..." ada didn't understand why she was so against it. maybe the the scarcity of getting hurt again scarred her from the predicaments chase had left her in. the mere thought of going through something like that again was fearful to the girl. even though chase and her had ended a while ago, the trauma he left her with still lingered.

       "in a very friendly way." jade winked as she surpassed ada. who only rolled her eyes at her friends antics. she knew what her friends were trying to do. trying to get her to admit the feelings she wasn't even sure were there. they were, but constantly dismissed by the girl.

       paige was very well known across all social media platforms. by now she swears that everyone had seen her edits on tiktok at least once. paige was constantly the centre of many topics in basketball, praised frequently on the media. and something like this could put her career in jeopardy. ada never wanted to see that happen, let alone be the reason behind it. a small fling could be the reason of ruining both of their careers. which meant more than anything to the two.

       this being if paige reciprocated said feelings. instead of furthering down this spiral of whether she did or not, ada decided on continuing to ignore them.

      though if something was to spur between the two, ada wasn't sure she was prepared to receive a massacre of teenage girls at her head. ada was definitely an apparent body on social media, with a good amount of followers. not to the point she had been exposed to any hate... yet.

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