𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫

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( back at the party, i was all over her
we didn't make out
or do anything. )

       IT HAD BEEN THREE DAYS since the group had went to the club. only a small hand full actually remembering the night. one of them being paige. surprised at the fact she did knowing the way her and alcohol never really did well together, nonetheless she did it anyway.

the dancing, the singing and the countless shots didn't steer her away from the conversation ada and her shared. it had been the only thing on her mind since that night. remembering the way their bodies stood so close, how her breath fanned the nape of neck as she stood craned over the smaller girl, shading her from the aggressiveness of the club lights. reminiscing in the moments of when ada had her hands grasped at paige's waist, lightly tugging her in. they had stayed light that majority of the night, closed off from everyone else.

she wondered if ada even remembered that moment. if she had been thinking about it as much as paige was. analysing every little detail until she physically couldn't any more. but the lack of ada's sobriety that night silenced her interjections. knowing not to get hopeful when she knew full well of ada's state that night.

paige pulled away from the subject, focusing back on her conversation with nika as they fuelled their bodies with the much needed caffeine.

"do you think ada would find it weird if i asked her for jade's number?" and even when paige thought she escaped the topic of ada in her head, the defects of reality still managed to chase her.

"nah, i don't think ada would think that deep into it." though she wished ada would think deep into that night. nika nodded disregarding paige's stoic expression as they headed into the pratice centre, throwing their cups into the bin once they entered.

and there ada caddel sat with jana, continuing her interview per usual. in her usual choices of clothing, dark blue low rise jeans with a fitted grey tank top. paige couldn't understand how she could make something so simple look so good. her attention averted from the journalist as the team were now being called to the centre of the court, jana quickly following pursuit as she waved her goodbyes to ada who nodded understandingly, continuing to write away in her journal.

ada had remembered that night. she remembered all the parts paige was in. debriefing every singular moment to the way paige had held her in her hands with jade and zia who couldn't help but cheer for their friend as she had finally found someone who had peeked her interest. little did they know, paige had always had her interest, whether ada had come to terms with it yet or not. though she didn't know if paige remembered their time at all, so instead of mentioning it or forcing paige to speak about something she may not even recall-- she pushed it aside. wanting to subside their intimate affections to something else.

but as she watched the blond work the court, she didn't stop herself from admiring the girl like she often caught herself doing when the team had practice. it was oddly attractive the way her tired body moved, still with aggression as she held possession of the ball. her mouth agape far too focused to yield her attention to anything else at the moment.

"ada! come meet our photographer!" geno called from the other end of the court, waving her over as he stood beside a boy, who smiled warmly at her. to which she compiled with a small grin, hesitant in her steps as she neared the two.

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