𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞

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( i'm sure we're taller in another dimension,
you say we're small and not worth
the mention. )

                      PAIGE HAD WALKED BACK INTO ADA'S ROOM. hair wet as she clamped it between her palms with her towel. hanging it over her armchair, she climbed in beside ada who had been too intensesly reading her book to notice the appearance of paige.

                 ada looked over smiling as paige lay beside her, flicking her eyes over her book trying to make out the words from her angle. "what book is this?" paige gazed over ada's shoulder, the girl moving in closer to flip the front cover towards the curious blond.

                 "a room with a view." ada read aloud, so that paige wouldn't have to read it. she flipped back to her bookmark, leaning into the crook of paige's arm as she splayed out just enough for ada to fit into her side. ada looked to her side, smiling at the sight of paige in her pyjamas.

              she had given paige her over-sized 'blond' frank ocean t-shirt,(if it wasn't already obvious by the posters, ada caddel was a die hard fangirl for the singer.) and her only pair of basketball shorts, which took a lot to find in the depths of her wardrobe.

                 ada placed the book back above her head, bringing herself a bit higher on her bed frame to be able to see paige. who had already been looking at her. "so... frank ocean?" paige chuckled, looking across her room once more, and down at the shirt she wore with a laugh releasing from her lips.

             "yeah, of course frank ocean." ada shrugged like it was obvious. "i've been slowly adding to my collection of vinyls, i have the blond one but i'm trying to track down the last of the channel orange vinyl. but it was like never actually released or something so it's impossible to find." ada rambled on, stopping herself before she bored the girl too much.

                "why did you stop talking? i wanna hear more about this vinyl." paige insisted, ushering the girl to talk more about her favourite singer. paige loved to see ada talk about something she loved so much, to see her usher on about small details that she adored. paige swore she could listen to ada's voice for the rest of her life if she could.

              ada smiled at this, to know that someone was actually interested in listening to what she had to say. she felt so comfortable with paige, like a true version of herself that not many people are lucky enough to ever see.

            regardless of it being 3 am now and the two girls still lay awake talking about their favourite singers and arguing which sade song was her best. tiredness did not cross either of their minds as they conversed themselves to sleep.

               wrapped up in one anothers arms. paige holding ada tight in her hold, ada laying in the crook of paige's neck as her hair spread messily behind her. it felt right, natural.

           but the thoughts of paige leaving in the morning was a problem for when they awoke, which probably wouldn't be for a long time after their conversation that had only ended at 4:30 am. and surprisingly, zia and jade had come home before then. hearing their chatter, opting to leave the two girls to it. finding it adorable that they still fought over things like little kids.

           a question many others still pondered, "when will they just admit they like each other and kiss?" jade groaned, head falling back into her pillow.

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