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I was enjoying a conversation with my husbands when I caught sight of Pitamaha approaching. While he remained unaware of our presence, my husbands appeared worried and disturbed by his arrival. However, I saw an opportunity to prove ourselves and decided to take action. As I walked up to him, the sound of my anklets seemed to unsettle Pitamaha. He chose to ignore me, but I was not going to be dissuaded. "Oh great Pitamaha, great-grandfather to my husbands, I humbly seek your blessings," I respectfully requested. In response, he questioned, "With what courage do you ask for blessings after the deed you have committed? Where was your judgement when this matter was being discussed? Did your father not teach you about dharma?" I replied, "Please forgive us, Pitamaha, but our marriage was conducted with the consultation of the great Ved Vyasa. In the Puranas, I have read about a lady named Jatila, the foremost of all virtuous women of the Gotama race, who married seven Rishis. Furthermore, an ascetic's daughter, born of a tree, in former times united herself in marriage with ten brothers, all named Prachetas, and who were all of esteemed asceticism. My father possesses knowledge and valor, Pitamaha. How else could all his children be born in unique and extraordinary circumstances?"

For a moment he seemed taken back by my answer. I continued relentlessly "Pitamaha, my husbands have been deprived of love and care since their childhood. The people who hold them in their hands they hold them in their heart. Pitamaha, please allow them to be seen and valued. Don't lose your trust towards my husbands. We are not 5 different people Pitamaha, we are one in six bodies." He smiled. I bowed and made my way back to my husbands. My husbands who seemed to have apparently heard what I had said to him were pleased. They now seemed releived and almost relaxed. They were now slapping eachother on their backs, making jokes, teasing eachother and laughing. I obeserved each of my husbands with a new perspective. They were so sweet together. Perhaps it was their brotherhood that had brought them through the difficult years. Yudhisthra now smiling said "You are a women of fine judgement Kalyaani. Your father has brought you up well." I blushed suprised by the term of endearment and whispered a meek thankyou. Arjun and Nakul however were in fits of laughter. "God brother you are so stiff." said Arjun and Nakul added on "Is this your way of flirtation brother? No wonder women never spared you a second glance." He said and laughed. Bheem said " Even Shadev is better at flirting Jyesth" To this Shadev jolted up saying "what, me ,huh,huh" This just caused more laughter and Nakul the self proclaimed expert walked forward and whispered something in his brother's ears. He then came towards me and held my hand and said "Your the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and your smart too. We're lucky to have such a combination of beauty and brains Paanchali." To this I was extremely flustered and heat rushed to my cheeks. I hoped it wasn't visible as I had dark skin. I was swooning over him now. I mean come on who wouldn't when the most handsome man in all the world called you beautiful and smart.


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