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"I had to make you uncomfortable. Otherwise, you never would have moved."

                                                                                                                               - The Universe


I stared at my feet. Arjun had left with the Prince Uttar as his charioteer to fend off the kuru. They would return soon, safe and unharmed. I trusted my husband and I knew what he was capable of. Today was the last day of disguised exile, anyathavas and after sunset we could reveal our identities. Uttara and the queen however seemed visibly worried.

Uttar had been scared and was insecure of his capabilities. He was a young, handsome, solid man and he was more than capable of defending himself. He just needed confidence. 

I sighed everytime I saw him, he reminded me of my sons. Just a little longer, I told myself everyday. I would see my sons soon. 13 years of seperation was harsh, I was scared my sons would be angry at me for choosing my husbands over them or rather vengeance over them. But I knew they didn't deserve to see the bitterness that had seeped in slowly. They were pure. Everytime I thought the bitterness  was gone it came back slowly like a disease. 

I was born out of my father's hatred and vengeance. Vengeance was another word for desire after all. Hadn't that ignited the fire that brought me and my brother into the world? 


"Can you marry Uttara." the king of Virat asked Arjun. Arjun blinked visibly shaken. He was old enough to be Uttara's father. And he had been Uttara's teacher, any relationship between a teacher and student was certainly akin to a father-daughter relation."I think my son, Abhimanyu would be a better match for her." Uttara's father smiled, "Yes, that is a far better proposal I have no objections." I glanced at Uttara, with her glossy eyes and a smile that could brighten up even the most darkest days. She would certainly be a wonderful daughter-in-law. 


I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a prettily embroidered red saree and jewellery a stark contrast to the garbs I had wore for the past few years. My hair was left untied but brushed with all the tangles out of the way, seemingly longer than I remembered it. My face had barely changed since my svayamvar but my cheeks were hallower and my face had a new sharpness. My eyes were like black coals, meant to burn. This was the new Draupadi. 


Krishna walked in. I looked at him and he looked at me. It's in the eyes, always in the eyes. 

I am sorry you had to suffer so much.

I'd suffer in every birth if it means having you as a friend.

I missed you sakhi.

I missed you sakha. 

No words were needed.

 Subhadra walked in and nearly threw herself on me. "Sister!" she squeled. I smiled. She smiled. We hugged. All woman have at the end are other woman. Exactly what I thought when she hugged me after the disrobal. Next Abhimanyu walked in and bent to my feet receiving my blessings. I looked at him. He had brown skin like Arjun and was taller than mebut everything else about him was like Subhadra. The glint in his eyes, the honey sweet smile. He then hugged me. "Mother" he said his voice sweet and raspy. Oh god Narayan. "Son,"  a tear slipped from my eyes, "Don't cry mother. Your the strongest warrior I know." he said and I hugged him tighter. A son. A mother. 


This chapter was more of a filler chapter. I loved the last part though. I hoped you liked it though. Don't forget to read vote and comment!

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