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"Khandavaprastha was cursed by Lord Indra to be an infertile land and was inhabited by the Nagas (snakes) and Rakshasas.The forest was under the reign of the Naga ruler, Thakshaka At the same time, Agni, the Fire God reached out to Krishna and Arjuna to help him devour the forest to satisfy his hunger. They agreed to help Agni since it would be a good chance for them to set up the capital city in that land. Since it was a land cursed by Indra, they were sure that Indra would try to protect the forest. Arjuna asked Agni to hence give him proper weapons to combat with Indra easily. Agni called Varuna, the Water-God and asked him to give Arjuna, the Gandiva – the most powerful bow and an inexhaustible quiver of arrows. A chariot was also given to Arjuna which always drove in top speed.

The Khandava forest was then burnt by wildfires from Agni. Most of the inhabitants [Nagas and Rakshasas] were killed. Takshaka fled to Takshila and later on took his revenge during the war.

Indra was angry with Arjuna and Krishna for helping Agni to devour the forest and engaged in a fight with them. He used many weapons and illusions during the fight, but he was no match for Arjuna's might and the Gandiva. Indra, in the end was pleased with Arjuna and gave him the entire forest to be set up as their Capital City – duly named as Indraprastha! Arjuna was widely called as Gandivadhari (the Wielder of the Gandiva Bow) since this famous duel with Indra.

Krishna called Vishwakarma, the architect of the Devas to help the Pandavas construct Indraprastha. Vishwakarma, also called Maya also built the royal palace. The palace was famous for its grandeur and illusions. The floor of the palace was built with illusions and walls were encrusted with precious stones."

 Veda Vyas wrote as such in his Mahabharatha. The palace was truly filled with illusions wall and floors were made of crystal, ponds in between. It would be the envy of all kings. When the news reached the blind king he sent us a letter congratulating us and indirectly scorning us 

" Congratulations sons of my dearest brother. You have built a palace of beauty. But a palace certainly doesn't determine the quality of the reign of the ruler." And then to hide this slight, "You have brought pride to us and proved that you are truly nephews of thy" 

Bheem,Arjun, Nakul and Shadev scoffed at this letter, but Yudhisthra seemed impacted by his letter and emerged in deep thought. Krishna,  however laughed it off.  Later this palace that was envy of all kings would become one of the reasons to our downfall.


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