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As I step out, the air thick with tension, it's Prativindhya who rushes toward me first. He dashes across the distance, his arms wrapping around me in a tight embrace, the warmth of his small body contrasting sharply with the cold fear that grips me. Sobs shake him as he clings to me, and soon my other sons join us, forming a protective circle around me. Their arms encircle me like a fortress, and I can feel the weight of their tears soaking into my skin. The younger ones, though they don't fully grasp what has happened, sense the wrongness in the air. They look up at me, eyes wide and shimmering, as if they can see the scars that mar my body, the disarray of my hair, the heavy dampness of my clothes.

I wrap my arms around them, drawing them close, letting their innocence soothe the turmoil within me. Prativindhya pulls back slightly, his gaze fierce and unwavering. "I'll fight for you, Mother. We'll fight for you. I promise to take care of my brothers," he declares, his voice steady, a strength beyond his years emanating from him. A wave of pride surges through me; I can't help but smile at him. "Of course you will, my son," I reply, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead, grateful for his fierce spirit.

I turn to embrace my other sons, planting kisses on their foreheads as well, each one a silent promise of love and protection. My heart swells with hope in this moment of despair.

Next, Subhadra steps forward, her face pale and her eyes brimming with unshed tears. She nearly collapses into my arms, and I hold her tightly, her sobs echoing against my chest. "I'll take care of your sons. Don't worry, sister," she murmurs, her voice thick with emotion. I smile at her, feeling the deep bond of sisterhood that has been a lifeline through our struggles. "Dhri's been dying to see them. So can they shift between Paanchal and Dwaraka?" I ask,

Her smile shines brightly through her tears. "I know what brothers are like, sister. You don't have to ask me." A laugh escapes me, a breath of joy in this storm. "Uh, you're my favorite," I tease, and her grin widens, illuminating her face like the sun breaking through clouds. "Why did you wash yourself this much sister. What if the purity washes away." "It's not purity at all if it washes away" I tell her and she looks at me seemingly impressed. "Your so wise now." she says tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I smile at her.

I look at Krishna before stepping towards my husbands. "When are we leaving" I ask and they look so sad. I am scared they might start crying. I lead them to another room. So we can  discuss our plans. When we are alone is when they start crying. Quiet sobs. I do not know how to react but feel grateful they didn't cry in front of my sons. They are warriors after all, warriors who couldn't protect their wife. The afterthought is so bitter and I bite my lip, angered with what I thought. My husbands were cheated. They had their reasons. I cannot let them down, no matter what even if they did. This is how woman are. Every single time. So I tell them "I forgive you as I always have." and then manage a smile at them. All of them rush forward at the same time and it is Nakul who reaches me first. Hugging me, I feel soothed. Bheem pushes Nakul away and hugs me his large body nearly engulfing mine. I smile in his embrace. Arjun some next and his entire body shakes as he embraces me. I rub my hand over his back. Sahadev hugs me but his body seems limp. I hug him well. Yudhisthra does not step forward, his face etched with guilt. It is I who goes next to him. He looks at me like I put the star in the skies and then he hugs me. "I am sorry, so so sorry." he says as he hugs me his face hid in my shoulder. He says the words over and over again as he hugs me. And I hold him back like I did when we were newly married ready to forget the world for a minute. I have people who love me and right now that's all that matters to me. I thought that all the candles in my life had extinguished, but I forgot that it is the fire in me that lighted all those candles. They may flicker every once in a while but I shall never let them die. Never.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. This chapter was so healing to write. I simple loved this chapter so much. Hope you love it to. Don't forget to read, vote and comment. Passing love to all my readers. 

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