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As the svayamvar drew close, I finally received the participants' paintings. I handled each painting with care, unravelling them one by one. The first painting portrayed a muscular man with an arrogant smirk. Seated next to him was a very similar man with a much bushier moustache and menacing eyes. The third man in the painting had very fair skin and wore a serious smile, almost as if it were forced. "This is the eldest and second eldest Kaurava princes,Duryodhana and Dushasan respectively along with their friend Karna, you know the lowborn who has received a kingdom from Duryodhana" Dhri said in a voice slightly laced with scorn and pity. As we walked through the corridor adorned with countless portraits of various princes and kings, anticipation heightened with each step. Finally, we reached the most awaited portrait. Gently unravelling the cloth covering the painting, a gasp escaped my lips as I took in the sight before me. This was the portrait of Prince Arjun, and his appearance exceeded all expectations. Just as my friend Govinda had described, Prince Arjun was truly a sight to behold. Dressed in white, his dark complexion was highlighted by eyes of a mesmerizing copper hue that seemed to hold a world of emotions. His boyish smile was enough to disarm even the most stoic observer and could possibly render some weak in the knees. As I gazed upon his portrait, I found myself captivated by his undeniable charm and I accepted the fact that Krishna and my father had chosen well. In fact, I looked forward to marrying this man. 

Dhri observed me intently as I made a feeble attempt to conceal my emotions. "I don't need to see any other portraits," I declared. Dhri's lips curled into a smile as he responded, "Now that you are fully committed to marrying Arjun, Father has asked me to discuss Pathni Dharma with you, the dharma of a wife." He seemed a bit embarrassed, being a brother talking to his sister about such matters, but with diligence and composure, he elucidated that, despite common beliefs, women hold the power in a marriage as they are the ones who shape a home where family love can thrive. He stressed that a wife must share her husband's joys and sorrows equally and guide him towards the path of righteousness. A virtuous wife, he explained, should embody qualities of diligence, sweetness, and solemnity simultaneously. Most significantly, he emphasized that a wife should never allow milk or milk products to spoil. He carried on with his lecture until he grew weary and out of breath. I attentively absorbed his advice and mentally noted to spend time in the royal kitchen the following day. I decided that I would be the best wife I could be. But destiny's decision was the one that mattered.


This chapter was ok I guess. Please read, vote and comment. Hope you liked this chapter. I wanted to show how Draupadi prepared for the svayamvar.

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