chapter twenty two

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I spent the next week training one on one with Aizawa. At home, I practiced with my quirk. The Todoroki household was one of the best places to train, as almost everything in the training area was burn proof.

Progress was slow. I found myself questioning whether or not I was moving forward. I would finally gain some more control, and then it would be gone by the next day. The frequent nightmares that I had of losing control were not helping.

Upon returning to school, it was awkward, but the class remained welcoming. To them, it only seemed that I had overexerted myself, and that was what lost me to lose control. I had threatened Shoto many times to keep my secret. Everything seemed to be going well. 

Aizawa had decided the best way to teach me to control my quirk was to teach me to fight. "The key to fighting is to have both discipline and a level head at all times," He had said, after demonstrating a mock battle with another student. I had watched in awe as he perfectly executed his moves, and even though the student was strong, they didn't last very long. I wanted to learn how to do that.

I tried not to be over eager, and we spent the first few days working on the motions. So far, there has been no actual fighting yet, but I was hopeful for today. I had this feeling in my gut that he was going to let me try. 

Despite waking up nearly two hours earlier than normal, I was not tired as I opened the doors to the gym. "Himari," Aizawa greeted. There was no wonder he always looked so tired. He woke up before all of us and tutored each morning.

"Today, we are doing something different today. For the past few weeks, we have been working on techniques. Show me what you learned. You'll be fighting another student I've been working with. No quirks."

I raised my eyebrows.

And in walks Katsuki  Bakugo.

His eyes were narrowed, that look of annoyance on his face.

I smirked, "I'm gonna have fun whipping your butt."

He scoffed, "Oh you wish nerd. I'M GONNA KILL YOU."

Aizawa sent him a look, "Deep breaths Bakugo."

We each took our respective places on the opposite sides of the ring.

I stretched my arms for a second, then squaring my shoulders as Aizawa counted down. I recited to myself what I had learned.


Be proactive. Guess all his possible moves.


Make smart moves.


Never  panic.


Bakugo moved quickly, charging towards me. I moved to the side throwing a punch that he managed to block with his arm. He was aggressive, so I just needed to avoid him and wait for an opening.

He was definitely stronger than me, so I would need to avoid the brunt of his force. I moved quickly, moving in almost a zig-zag motion, trying to be as unpredictable as possible. I sent one punch after another, trying to tire him out.

However, he was quick to counter my fast offensive, launching a series of punches. I avoided most of them, but one of them hit me on the side of the ear. It hurt a lot, and I was disorientated for a second, which he took advantage of, throwing me towards the ground.

I was on my side, dizzy for a second before I grabbed him feet, pulling him down with me. I was not about to go down without a fight. We grappled for a few seconds, trying to take each other down. I kicked at him, getting him in the stomach. He managed to pin me down though. "Is that really all you got Sparky?" He grinned, holding down my arms. "You can tap out now."

My response was head-butting Boom Boy in the face. "Ow! Dammit!" He said, letting go of my arms. I quickly got up, back on the offensive.

Aizawa sighed, "Okay you too stop. That was a smart move Himari, but maybe avoid the nose next time?"

Blood had started to trickle out of his nose. It wasn't super bad, but I cringed as he held his shirt sleeve up to stop it.

Aizawa sighed, "I don't think Recovery Girl will be here this early. Himari, take him to the nurses office and make sure the bleeding stops."

I beckoned for Bakugo to follow as we made our way down the hall, "Sorry about that," I said awkwardly.

He grunted, "It's fine. I should've seen it coming. You're pretty vicious whenever you are cornered."

"Well, you make a good target," I retorted, a small smile tugging at my lips.

Bakugo chuckled, shaking his head. It was strange to see this side of him. Maybe he was too light headed from all of the blood to keep his guard up. "Maybe you aren't a complete asshole Sparky."

"I try my best," I replied, feeling a little lighter despite the situation.

And for a second, maybe we weren't the rivals that I had always thought we were. Maybe we could just be friends, however that thought was gone in an instant as Bakugo's eyes narrowed "I'm still gonna beat your ass."

I rolled my eyes, never mind that thought,"I bet."

a/n: hey guys! i'm gonna be gone for a little bit, but I'll try to update ASAP once i'm back <3

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